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Friday, July 10, 2020

Scrabble Association Bans Racial, Ethnic Slurs From Its Official Word List

The word "slur" has a number of meanings in English, but the one that has concerned Scrabble aficionados and Hasbro, which owns the U.S. and Canadian trademark for the popular board game, means "a derogatory or insulting term applied to particular group of people."

On Wednesday, the North American Scrabble Players Association announced that derogatory language would be removed from the game's official word list.

The decision follows an online poll conducted by NASPA that elicited impassioned responses, the organization's CEO, John Chew, said in a statement on Wednesday.

"Some members threatened to leave the association if a single word were removed; others threatened to leave the association if any offensive words remained," he said. "There were a lot of good and bad arguments on both sides."



  1. Censoring your speech, by removing its meaning and value from dictionaries. you cant use the word if you dont know what it is.

  2. ok,ok I get it just stop the BS. Grow some, live longer.

  3. This isn't censorship, you morons. Scrabble is a game. Games have rules. You can't use proper nouns, names, or acronyms either. It's not "censorship" that I can't play "Jennifer" or "FBI" in Scrabble. It's just the rules of the game. You guys will bitch about anything. And here I thought you always said "libruls" are the whiny snowflakes. Keep crying, dipshits.

  4. Washington Redskins! Hahahaha

  5. I don't play scrabble or any other games, quit school in the 3rd grade because they wanted me to play games at recess. Life is not a game, that's why I trained my hands and then registered them in the 4th grade.

  6. keep drinking that bottom shelf crap 2:30.

    White Castle Hamburgers!

    Black Eyed Peas and Yellow Rice!

    Red Tomatoes

    Purple Moose Saloon

    Orange Crush

    Green Beans

    Blue Whales


  7. I'll spell any damn word I want in Scrabble, what are the PC police going to do hunt me down?


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