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Friday, July 17, 2020

Schumer unveils $350B Economic Justice Act to fight 'systemic racism'

Senate Democrats want money invested in minority and underserved communities hardest hit by COVID-19 crisis

Senate Democrats on Thursday released a $350 billion plan to tackle "systemic racism" and "historic underinvestment" in communities of color that have been hardest hit by the coronavirus pandemic and economic downturn.

The Economic Justice Act calls for 10 major investments over the next five years to help communities of color with child care, health care, jobs programs, infrastructure improvements and housing assistance.

Senate Democrats framed their proposal as a down payment on calls to address systemic racism and economic disparities that have been spotlighted in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic and the death of George Floyd. There's a growing movement underway for Congress to tackle the disparities through slavery reparations to African Americans.



  1. what a pandering a-hole...

  2. 50 years in DC and now he wants to tackle racism that doesn’t exist. Flyod Did not die because he was black and to this day the DA refuses to release the body cameras, why? Shouldn’t that prove racism? Or maybe it proves he was overdosed, crazy and should have been turned on his side. He would have died anyway because the ambulance was slow getting their but the optics would have been better and that’s all that matters. Definitely not murder or a race crime

  3. AOC said that a one time payment to every African American who has been in this country, with their family back to a great grandparent, should receive a check for $100,000 tax free payment.

    Just think of the Crack, Meth, and Loto tickets that will be sold in the Hood!

  4. Sorry, but they are getting paid to sit home now. Why do they need more money? I’d like a raise too.

  5. Where has Schumer been hiding?

  6. We already have this. Free health care, access to free college, free housing, free food, free daycare for the 5 kids (or more), free bikes, free lap tops, free internet, free cable. I'm sure I'm missing things. Shoot, we even take the kids away when not being provided for with all those free things and pay other people to take care of the kids. They do not want to work. They want to sit home and have free. This isn't a color of the skin issue. It is a culture issue. You can not take from those working and give to those who don't work. Make having a job a requirement for anything free. This system is so screwed up and it's going down faster and faster by the minute.

  7. "The Economic Justice Act calls for 10 major investments over the next five years to help communities of color with child care, health care, jobs programs, infrastructure improvements and housing assistance."

    Haven't we already spent trillions on this same bottomless pit without any results?

  8. Any of them already get all of the benefits listed. I believe all of the welfare rolls should be double checked before this is given the go ahead.

  9. Just be like a conservative, close your eyes and plug your ears and pretend it doesn't exist because it makes you uncomfortable.

  10. WTH have we been doing for decades. Promoting Blacks over whites in Government, colleges, military. Providing welfare checks, food stamps, housing and the list goes on.
    It is time we concentrate on the middle class children whom appreciate America.
    DC can not relate. My neighbor hood in the DC area was 99.9 percent Black when I moved. My neighbors where all working for the Federal Government making over 150,000 dollars. Why - because DC promotes Blacks.
    So you American middle class taxpayers keep on working that job you hate so your fellow Americans of color can spend it - now who is the slave.

  11. Schumer's Economic Justice Act is very discriminatory. Schumer and his Democrat colleagues do not know history. The first slaves to America were the criminals / convicts in prison and the poor from England, Ireland, France and Spain to name a few. Then from the BLACK African slave owners.

    This bill is very discriminatory and racist. It pits one race against another.

    Where does he cover these slave groups in his bill?

    Where am I covered in this slavery reparation bill since my ancestry comes from Ireland and France?

    Why would Schumer and his Democrat hypocrites want me to pay reparation to blacks since my ancesters were also slaves?

  12. 2:18

    What are you trying (very poorly) to say?

    It is obvious that Scmucky is pandering to the gimmidats.

  13. Term Limits...please oh please Term Limits!

  14. A cap should have been put on the welfare system a long time ago. Baby #1...need help to get you going ....fine, here is help.
    Baby #2-?....you get same amount as Baby #1....no bonus pay!
    See how quick people will use birth control after that!

  15. 22 trillion in debt right now.

    Maybe we should be looking for ways to CUT spending.


    Our system is so crooked and rigged against "We, the people" that the only way to change it is revolution or civil war (military coup is an outside shot).
    It's coming, too. It's an historical inevitability.
    Meanwhile, keep cheering.

  16. Like this Act is not racist...COVID-19 knows no color. Layoffs, unemployment, and struggles plagues all races. This act is nothing more than a political chess piece to buy votes at the taxpayer expense. Democrats like Schumer are so pathetically shallow and sleazy.

  17. how is giving muti billionaires an additional 350 billion going to fix the imaginary systemic racism?? this sounds like a multi millionare politician doling out 350 billion in tax payer money to his multi billionaire cronies in the name of "systemic racism" never let a crisis go to waste if you can use it to enrich your billionare buddies for a few million in kickbacks.

  18. What racism? Did anyone see anything that would be considered racist in Floyd's death? What did the police do that was considered racist? Just because Floyd was black had nothing to do with his death. There was NO racism involved.


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