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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

RED NOVEMBER: How the Democratic Party Has Brought America to the Brink of Socialism

The Democrat Party’s presidential primary marked a significant shift, as socialist ideas – openly embraced by the likes of Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) — took center stage, bringing the far-left’s radical agenda to the mainstream party.

Progressive leaders worked overtime to remove the taboo around the word “socialism” and fundamentally altered the Democratic Party’s future – a future they hope to impose on the nation as a whole, as Breitbart News senior editor-at-large Joel B. Pollak details in his upcoming book, RED NOVEMBER.

The book is based on Pollak’s own experiences covering the Democratic Party presidential primary on the campaign trail.



  1. Those bastards, wanting to make sure people can afford medicine and have healthcare. How dare they try to provide for the working class rather than benefit the rich under the guise that more wealth to the CEO's will somehow trickle down rather than going into an offshore account.

    1. Wow, is that what you see? Who knew socialism was that innocent...

    2. It’s about removing America as the policeman of the world and as soon as they do we’re all slaves

  2. 836
    Keep in mind that despite the seemingly good promises of socialism there is the bad side side too. Socialism has not worked for countries like Cuba and North Korea.
    A free enterprise system encourages hard work for success instead of the "gimme gimme...the world owes me" mentality that socialism does.
    Free enterprise systems also encourage free thought and expression of ideas. I don't know about you but I would rather work hard to earn my healthcare and money and keep the freedoms this country was built on (read the Bill of Rights) than have everything handed to me but be forced to bow to the ideas and opinions of others who I don't agree with.

  3. Democrats are running on communist and socialist .. America is about freedom of choice...only losers want to live off the government and take care of them..

  4. Well done 8:36. You just regurgitated the liberal party line of the last 50+ years. In power or out nothing changes. Look at the cities and there's your liberal ideas at work. Sorry but making liberal politicians rich from a lifetime in politics doesn't help the working class either.Empty promises,like you can keep your plan, doesn't trickle down either.

    1. 941
      Maybe I am misunderstanding the ideas of liberals as interpreted their agenda as a free for all and I personally believe in the value of hard work to get what you want which is the conservative agenda. Am I mixing them up? Because all I hear from the libs is free this and free that except for free thought.
      I'll keep my free thought and work for everything else!

  5. Well Obamacare sure worked out swell. Largest increases in premiums in decades and reduction in covered items, increase in copays...etc. I can only imagine what they come up with next. Free food every third Wednesday of your last name starts with a G... unless you are a Congressional representative then you get free food every day, hourly backrubs with a splash of insider trading and a yacht!

  6. People.............you simply must vote Republican in Nov. or you are in for a horrible life like you never thought possible. It's no joke. Trump is the only thing that can save us from a communistic life of pure hell. Vote Republican straight across the board....senate, house, dogcatcher, or anything else.

  7. Socialism/Communism works one way and one way only. You see how you have lived the last four months. Well take the way you have been locked in your house and then take away all your money, property, rights, voice, and eat what the government tells you can eat, say what the government tells you can say, do what the government wants you do or be punished severely. If you think FREE means FREE then think again. The only ones FREE is the people of government and their families. TO H*LL WITH YOU!!!! If you think that is the great life I suggest you all go get another peice of property and you and the government go there and leave my FREEDOM alone!!!!

  8. Hate to tell ya this kids, but yeah, the Dems have been trying, but its not on them...Its on our LAME, SPINELESS Republican leaders who have NOT pushed back on them. This upcoming election would be a piece of cake to win IF our republican leaders would just get off their power drunk asses and STAND UP, and go into the areas that need help, and people are getting murdered every day, and say "Here we are, lets fix this"...but they won't because thet're spineless! Its also the fault of EVERY conservative voter that doesn't hold their elected officials responsible! But don't worry.....just KNOW that IF you don't stand up, and defend out constitution....the right to remain silent, will be the only right we have!


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