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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Rand Paul Rejects Federal Force in Portland: ‘We Cannot Give Up Liberty for Security’

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Monday spoke out against the Trump administration’s use of federal force against protesters in Portland, warning that U.S. citizens “cannot give up liberty for security.”

“We cannot give up liberty for security. Local law enforcement can and should be handling these situations in our cities, but there is no place for federal troops or unidentified federal agents rounding people up at will,” Paul said following last week’s reports of federal agents detaining protesters in unmarked police vehicles:



  1. He is kinda right..i think the feds should be arresting the leaders. Let the real citizens and police clean out the scum

  2. Rand Paul, wake up. Federal agencies are being supplied to protect Federal property. Did you hear that Paul? Protect federal property.

  3. Rand Paul is a Fkg RINO!! The GOP needs to send the Libtard Libertarian packing!

    What is happening in Portland and other riot infested cities is an attack on our liberties and safety because of foreign interference. This country is imploding because of idiots like Rand Paul.

    1. No what is happening is from the Republican party spending 30 years ignoring Rand's father.

  4. When Homeland picks up those protesters they need to Disappear. We don't need those kind in America.

    1. 12:19
      Are you Joseph Goebbels?
      Commenting anonymously

  5. he's wrong on this one...threatened was/is a Federal Bldg.

  6. So I'm confused. If we give up liberty by having the feds protect our property and arrest criminals then by extension don't we give up liberty by having a regular police force in the first place?

    I appreciate having Rand Paul's occasional point of view but his opinion is often just that; his.

  7. Well when the very citizens don't want their rights and demonize others for exercising theirs, the war has been lost for years!!! Welcome to communism and socialism!!!! You wanted, and now you got it... Not fun is it!!! Like we kept telling you morons!!!

  8. I am dismayed that people who love freedom and our constitution are siding with governmental acts of oppression. Federal agents get sent to remove land rights protesters and you flip your wigs. Federal agents get sent in to squash human rights protesters and you cheer them on. hypocrites


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