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Thursday, July 16, 2020

Protester attacks NYPD officers, including chief of department, as they made arrest

NYPD Chief of Department was with group at time of attack, and suffered a hand injury

A protester assaulted a group of New York Police Department (NYPD) cops, including the highest-ranking uniformed member of the department, on Wednesday during a demonstration on the Brooklyn Bridge, according to police and footage of the attack.

The NYPD announced in a tweet around 12:30 p.m. that at least three officers were hurt by someone swinging a long object at the officers while they were placing someone under arrest on the opposite side of one of the bridge’s fences.

A police department spokesperson said the Chief of Department, Terence Monahan, is the other white-shirt member of the department seen in the video with the group at the time of the attack and suffered a non-life-threatening hand injury.



  1. Same chief who was kneeling 3 weeks ago. How did pandering work out for ya

  2. Joe, PLEASE tell us how to access the fox links you’ve been using more often! They say no access.

  3. The perp will get his....oh yeah.

  4. 8:55 PM- Either cut and paste the link under "More", or cut and paste the article title in a search in Google, then click on results.

  5. The protesters should have dumped buckets of sewage on them! These PIGS were the taking a knee a few weeks ago disgracing their uniform and which it stands for!


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