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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Police Say The "Umbrella Man" At The George Floyd Protests Was A White Supremacist Trying To Incite Violence

Minneapolis investigators said the man is a member of the Hells Angels biker gang who started violence at what had been a peaceful protest.

Minneapolis investigators say a masked, umbrella-carrying man who was filmed in a viral video smashing windows during protests in the city in late May against the police killing of George Floyd was a white supremacist intent on inciting violence.

In an affidavit filed in state court on Monday as part of an application for a search warrant and seen by BuzzFeed News, an arson investigator with the Minneapolis Police Department identified the man as a 32-year-old member of the Hells Angels biker gang who intended to incite violence at the peaceful demonstration.

The news of his identity and the search warrant affidavit was first reported by the Star Tribune on Tuesday.

The man's identity drew widespread speculation after he was filmed on May 27 slowly and methodically smashing the windows of an AutoZone in Minneapolis, where protests erupted following the May 25 death of Floyd in police custody.



  1. Yeah yeah yeah it's all the white man's fault

  2. Catch him, jail him, prosecute him if he's a known person.

    The white supremacist narrative is very weak and circumstantial at best. He's being paid to do this, enough money to make it worth his while.

  3. Replies
    1. And definitely a ‘Trumper’!

  4. So this one white guy made the protests go from “peacefull” to all out violence that you see on TV everyday. One guy. One white guy. One incident.
    I smell bull$&@ and his name is George Soros.

  5. @6:10 They filed an affidavit to lead to arresting him, dumbass. Did you even read the article?

  6. You morons believe the police when it’s convenient and fits your racist ass narratives.

  7. One white man and all this publicity. What about the hundreds of blacks carrying their little BLM signs? They were all peaceful little good dudes? Put the blame where it belongs.....on blacks!

  8. Another soros paid hack? He is playing both sides. So When the real lead starts flying. Thats when your see the real patriots come out. Not these wanna be losers. Paid agitators subverse traitors. It when me and the rest of us working stiffs get dragged into the streets because of crap these commies started. It will end rather quickly for these easy targets..

    1. Nope I don’t believe you sir. I think your a liar. Innocent working class stiffs are be shot for driving on a road by peaceful protesters. Stay silent and play pretend online like you do all night

  9. Buzzfeed is not news. It is a liberal propaganda outlet.
    They broke the Trump Russia collusion dossier story made up by the Clinton campaign. It has been proven completely fake and manufactured from the beginning and they knew it.

  10. Here we go again. WHITE SUPREMACISTS?? What about ANTIFA?? What about the so called BLACK Militia? What about the nation of Islam?? What about BLM?? What about BLACK Panthers?? Noooo. You find one if any whiteboy. You can't believe MSM.


  11. So, what makes a Hell's Angels member punching out windows anything but a simple criminal. It just shows he is getting paid enough to make the act worth the paycheck.

    It in no way demonstrates what his views are on any race of people, so yeah, the "white supremacist" narrative is a dead horse to most of us and totally meaningless here.

  12. One white man has caused multi-millions worth of damage.

    Im offended yet no one will react.


  13. Hahaha. Now we have the Hell's Angles?? Wow. What's next the 90 years old KKK?? LMAO. YOU CAN'T BELIEVE THE MSM.

  14. Northwest Woodsman: A true Hells Angel would rather be cracking Antifa skulls than breaking windows. They may be outlaws, but I have found that they are patriotic outlaws. The media will have to come up with something better than this ridiculous claim.

  15. Hells Angels were intelligence from the very beginning. Just like Hollywood and the fake Hippy Movement.


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