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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Police Horses Harassed During Fight; Mount Tucker Punched Multiple Times

OCEAN CITY — It was a tough night last weekend for the Ocean City Police Department’s mounted units, which were repeatedly touched and harassed while helping to break up a large fight outside a resort nightclub.

Around 1:20 a.m. last Sunday, Ocean

City Police Department (OCPD) officers responded to the area around a nightclub on 17th Street for a reported fight. OCPD officers observed a suspect, later identified as Daniel Martinez-Rivera, exit the nightclub and attempt to get inside the perimeter of the fight where OCPD officers were making arrests, according to police reports.

Martinez-Rivera was reportedly told multiple times to get back and away from the officers making arrests, but did not comply. An OCPD mounted officer on his horse Tucker attempted to move Martinez-Rivera away from the scene, but the suspect reportedly touched the horse’s face. After being told not to touch the police horse, Martinez-Rivera reportedly struck Tucker in the face three more times including once in the eye and also grabbed the leather straps on the horse’s face.



  1. What a bunch of idiots you got there. A weeknight and all of this is going on? Ocean City, the family resort.
    Why are the horses out at that time of morning anyway?

    1. WTH.... you blaming this trash in Tucker?

    2. 7:23 The horses are out at that hour with their riders to keep order and let the civilized people go home incident free. Looks to me like you are the idiot here.

  2. This generation is the most worthless to date the country will fail

  3. Disappointing news article. Was hoping it had a 'happy' ending.With the perpetrators being maced and taser tagged. God Bless the LO Officers for their
    restraint and being professionals to defuse, and not escalate.

  4. Martinsss Retard.....Florass..... etc. Local farm boys I guess. Shame Tucker didn’t kick the dog chit out of him and the car knock some manners in him. How low can you go?

  5. its a great family town, just ask the mayor

  6. more of obobo's dreamers...

  7. The police can and do lie on these reports, you know that right?
    I want to see video that supports their claims before passing any judgement.
    There have been too many instances of OCPD doing the unwarranted damage and being aggressors then telling lies to justify their crimes.
    One of their tactics is to physically assault people with the horse. If they steered and ran a 2000 lb animal at me and I was armed, I would kill it in self defense. A cop that has wrongly perceived danger because he is an idiot, tryIng to run me down with a horse is attempted murder.
    Another tactic is to attempt to garner sympathy for the animal and officers for supposed bad treatment by the public when they are again the instigators and aggressors with attitudes. It’s in their training.
    So, Unedited video please.

    1. What an idiotic mentality.

    2. 8:01
      Geez just shut up dude your ignorance is astounding.

  8. just take the baton and beat these morons into submission.

  9. It's always the trash from PA and NY that have to come here and visit.

  10. He thought the horse looked like one of the black guys he was fighting in the club.

  11. Damn NY trash and they think because they get away with not listening to an officer in NY that they can do it anywhere. Too bad the horse didn't stomp that ignorant fool.

  12. This idiot needs to be charged with animal cruelty which will carry a far greater sentence then if he struck OCPD. I pray he gets the max.

  13. We'll raise up our glasses against evil forces singing Whiskey for my men, beer for my horses

    Somebody buy that horse a beer and stick a cattle prod in the two geniuses that decided to touch/slap a police horse.

  14. U ever hear of dont take a knife to a gun fight ? ..i'm thinking same as ..dont take a animal to a bar fist fight !

  15. When will the cops learn?? You tell someone one time to back off. The next time beat his ass and lick him up. When these FOOL'S realize after being told once they are getting an ASS whooping and licked up. They won't be so badass.

  16. Put a badge on each horse and make future charges assault on an officer.

  17. i call bs! evidently those mounted officers are total pussies or have never rode a horse before. all it takes is one sideways pull of the reins and the idiot assaulting the horse would be on the ground! then all one has to do is pull back on the reins and make the horse back up. ever been stepped on by a 800 lb animal?

    1. 10:58
      My thoughts exactly
      There is no reason whatsoever for assault on a horse. It is more than capable of defending itself if one will allow it.

      OC Police should be ASHAMED of themselves and the public should confiscate the horses by court order if necessary.

      I am mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.

  18. Hogan, aka Hitler, and his General Meehan wants that money and then act stupid when COVID numbers increase in Worcester / OC.

    These 2 dictators allow this out of State scum come down to the Shore and bring this virus and their trash.

    What happen to a 14 day quarantine when entering MD.

    These 2 Communist allow them in and spread the virus then blame it on Trump.

    Proof again they are Democrat hypocrite operatives.

    1. 12:09 Exactly how is a 14 day quarantine enforced? How would you do it, if in charge?

  19. Hit a horse,you get the stick.simple.

  20. I do not think it is smart to bring a horse into the mix of what was going on downtown. I feel like that was a wrong decision. What in the world do you think is going to happen? All of a sudden those people will follow the rules cause a horse is there?


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