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Monday, July 06, 2020



  1. Because the protest and riots were allowed the spread if covid-19 got a second shot at making us their captives.

  2. Where was this? Fools!

  3. Yes, we were played.

  4. They absolutely were played. All the rednecks breaking their ass to show they aren't RACIST. Only being played by a RACIST himself. Oh well. I'm going to be saving a large amount of money for guns. New car. Maybe a new boat??

  5. And there is nothing else to do so it makes protesting easy. People are so used and played. It is amazing how "uneducated" we have become. Sad

  6. Jesus Christ, this boomer bullshit meme is all wrong. Parks and beaches aren't closed. Wearing a mask for 10 minutes inside Walmart isn't the end of the world. Dads weren't "banned" from delivery rooms by the government, it was a hospital-by-hospital basis.

    If the BLM protests are to blame for new Coronavirus cases, why haven't there been any spikes in NYC, DC, Minneapolis, LA, etc? All of the recent COVID spikes have been in places like Florida and Texas that tried to reopen without any real precautions in place.

    1. You can't be that stupid to think people will take your comment seriously??? Look at the FACTS?? Not your so called example. Everywhere they had protests for 2 months cases are up. You must be the only one who doesn't understand that??

  7. Talk about making a complete and utter ASS of yourself. Amazing what money will do to a person. They all think they are above the Frey. When they start loosing MILLIONS they might remember where they came from.

  8. Read an article that yesterday that stated 28 million people have engaged in protests since George Floyd's death. And yet all the Dems can scream about is how Trump is responsible for the increase in Covid numbers. Sure I believe that.

  9. Hypocrites !!!! The left has always acted like this. Maybe it is time for a cleansing.

  10. many listened and fell for the 'line' and became fearful in their hearts to the point of 'no reasoning'...many are still there today and are now in a RUT...can't seem to see the truth no matter what.

    the sheep who fell for the fear mongering are easily led and are prime candidates for the 'new world order and the one world government'...they will take the 'mark of the beast' without hesitation for lack of knowledge and need for security...

    whether you believe this or not doesn't matter; as it will happen with or without your belief. take time to think about how you were fooled and what you will do in the future...will you be fooled again?

  11. Whatever. I'm ready. Do your worst. I'm confident you wont get in my home.

  12. How many of ya ACTUALLY wrote, called, emailed YOUR elected officials (Mayors, councilmen, police chiefs, senators, Congressmen, etc) and DEMANDED they make a public statement on which side they're on, on this issue?....yep, that's what I thought! WE'VE spent TOO much time yapping amongst our friends, neighbors, social platforms, etc till nobody wants to hear ya, but 1/2 of us won't get off yet lazy asses and CALL the ones responsible! That's mindless. We're running around chasing our tails. I'm constantly hearing "Civil war", "We got guns" etc. Shit man..I'm as conservative as anybody, and I've got guns too, but ANY smart, responsible gun owner KNOWS, thih s should only be an "End game" reaction, because once that roads been taken, theirs NO RETURN! The only way to force change is to BE THE CHANGE! Be heard, get involved, arrange our OWN protests! Lets get it together people...responsibly, respectfully. God help us if we don't start making ourselves heard...if not, we will only have ourselves to blame!

    1. Hey this persons right. I'm just as bad, but never done nothing but bitched. That's probably why we never get heard. Everybody hears them. They're on the news and such, and the more they're on the more support they get.

  13. Isn’t that a Trump Rally?

    1. Not likely. Too many educated people and the venue doesn’t look like a trailer park.

    2. Joe Biden your so silly !!!! That’s your rallies at the elementary school library your talking about. Nice try though, Trump supporters fill stadiums and whole city blocks. Go back to your basement you senile bat!!!!

    3. When you see nooses?? It's a Democrat KKK gathering. The racist blacks are their honored guests.

    4. 1:23 You still triggered about November 2016 aren’t you? 🤣🤣😂

  14. I'll will not be locked down again , come and get some . Now today I'll not wear a mask , I'll not walk down the isle with arrows pointing the way . It's over folks , screw the Hoganizers.

  15. Just keep that "STIMULUS $$$$$" COMING !!!! 2020


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