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Friday, July 17, 2020

People That Wear a Mask in Their Car


  1. I really regret getting rid of my shirt that said, "Cancel my subscription, I'm through with your issues!"

  2. How do you know who might be in the back seat if the windows are tinted? A lot of people transport elderly to appointments or have a family member battling cancer with a compromised immune system.

    Sometimes things are not as they may first appear. In fact, shouldn't this be an individual choice - no judgement??!!

    1. Oh PLEEAASSE !!!!

    2. Ding, ding, ding. The person in the picture (10:59) finally comments. Lol

    3. Ok, Karen 😂😂

  3. My uncle does just that. At 74 he's still transporting elderly to appointments,etc. that aren't accessible by public transportation. He's masked and gloved up and provides a fresh mask to each rider when they're picked up. When he gets home he undresses at the back door, puts the clothes, including the Crocs he likes, in the wash, then takes a shower. The car interior gets sprayed with disinfectant and sits in the sun with the windows open. So far, so good, he says.

    1. 11:45

      It will continue to be good forever.
      So long as he keeps doing exactly what he is doing now.


  4. After while you just forget you have it on. Unfortunately, in the future we all will be wearing it all the time due to forgetting to wear it when entering a store and being told to leave and having to leave to go put it back on. If you wear it all the time when out, you will not forget. Sucks!

    1. 11:46
      I don’t normally do this but I have to:
      You are an absolute idiot.

      The purpose of wearing a mask on your face is to make you sick. Get it? The government is evil .

      If they asked you politely to please jump off the roof . . . I believe you would ask where is the ladder?

    2. 2:50 makes sense. They say you catch it indoors. Not outdoors. They say the mask isn't PROTECTION from others. It protects others from you.

  5. I've been required to wear a mask at my job (medical office) since late March. I'm so used to it, I sometimes forget when I walk out the door and still have it on.

  6. With a mask on, you can't tell his gender......

  7. You people are so brainwashed, I'm not giving up my ability to think for myself that easily.

  8. Soon someone will invent an intranasal filter/sanitizer held in place by a simple padded spring clip. The first ones will be free. The stainless steel mesh housing will be washable and reusable. Daily replacement of the filter/sanitizer capsules will be required, at a cost. The effects of the sanitizer will extend to the mouth, trachea and lungs via an affinity for mucus membranes, so no mouth mask need be worn. For the truly concerned, a small, powered positive pressure primary filter and sanitizer can be made purchased.

    Patents pending.

  9. I don't forget I have it on. I wear one when I go out to the grocery store. Usually by the time I leave the store I have started coughing because I feel like I can't breathe. But I have just made my store trips shorter and I don't go through the store as fast.

  10. This jerk really needs some discipline. I'm insulted that he compares himself to a man who fought in WWII - what an idiot. Definitely lives in Grandma's basement.

  11. Greek Lady,
    Are you being serious right now?

  12. 1980 called they want that shirt and haircut returned and your grandmother would like her dish washing gloves back ASAP.


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