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Saturday, July 18, 2020

Noose Hoaxer Bubba Wallace Booed at NASCAR All-Star Race Qualifier, Cheered After Crash (VIDEO)

Noose hoaxer Bubba Wallace this week was booed as he was introduced at the NASCAR all-star qualifier and cheered after he crashed.

The media exploded last month after NASCAR released a statement revealing that a ‘noose’ was reportedly found in top driver Bubba Wallace’s Talladega garage stall.

The FBI unleashed 15 agents on the case and ultimately determined that the ‘noose’ was actually a garage door pull rope.

It was a garage door pull rope.

Fans feel duped after rallying around a crying Bubba Wallace.

“Bubba Wallace was also booed when he was introduced, and many cheered when he crashed,” AP reporter Jenna Fryer said.



  1. Maybe he should apply in the pit crew if qualified. He is finished before he got started. Go home if you are concerned with door rope. I have several, wife and children aren’t afraid of it.

  2. He’s a race baiting A hole and a bigot as well

  3. Wallace wasn't the one that found the noose, it was some NASCAR official. Claiming he's the hoaxer is completely false.

    1. @3:27 but the he ran with hitting every talk show acting like he’s Rosa Parks even doubling down when it was proven false

  4. As it should be. He ran with the hoax like all the other RACIST'S. NASCAR EMBARRASSED itself and it's fans with them drooling over this POS. BYE,BYE NASCAR. You and your Black fans can kiss my ass.

  5. Bubba is to blacks as Danika was to women. Token people that aren't ready for prime time, shoved into the limelight.

  6. Richard Petty needs to get his act together and hire a real driver and not a con-artist. Petty might get a little of his respect back since it is through the floor board now with no fans.

  7. Good I hope he hits the wall so hard that obama feels it

  8. NASCAR still has fans?

  9. AKA: Bubba “Smollett” Wallace! Confederate flag flying high!!

  10. NASCAR fans are true Americans and not afraid to let those you try to tread on them know it. 🇺🇸🇺🇸

  11. Trump claimed NASCAR ratings had gone down as a result of this hoax Big tweet about lower ratings. Total lie. Ratings have gone up. Trump never lets facts get in the way of his rants.


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