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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

NBA Allows Anti-Cop Slogans on Jerseys, Not ‘Free Hong Kong

Customers looking to purchase NBA jerseys with approved custom slogans on the back have found that the NBA store endorses anti-cop slogans, but “Free Hong Kong” was forbidden.

Several would-be NBA customers took to social media to report that the NBA’s official store had curious criteria for what phrases it will allow to be put on official NBA merchandise.

“The NBA bans you, the fan, from putting #freehongkong on customized league jerseys even as they allow players to wear customized jerseys,” Clay Travis tweeted Monday.

Travis included a short video clip showing him trying to put “Free Hong Kong” into the NBA’s customization field on its website. But when he tried to type in “Free Hong Kong,” the site would not allow the phrase.

“We are unable to customize this item with the text you have entered,” the website says after the phrase is typed in. “Please try a different entry.”



  1. Please name a sport that the 13 percenters have yet to ruin ?

    1. I told yesterday rr, professional wrestling. It's the only true sport, the rest are just games.

  2. The NBA is corrupt.. they get big money from China.. don’t want to offend them.. dirt bags. Not watching or supporting anymore...hopefully they don’t ruin college basketball..

  3. This is obviously blown out of proportion. This isn't the NBA taking some anti-police stance, this is just a merch website not updating their word filters.


  4. NFL will be first down the tubes but NBA won't be far behind. NFL has massive overhead, and will have about zip for revenue. NBA is not diversified and players are radical; they be done, too.

    Baseball and hockey have a better chance of sticking around, if they can stick to their knitting.


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