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Thursday, July 16, 2020

National Museum of African American History and Culture Promotes Racist, Anti-American Communist Propaganda

The National Museum of African American History & Culture promoted racist, anti-American Communist propaganda.

Rugged individualism, hard work, objectivity, the nuclear family, progress, respect for authority, delayed gratification, and responsibility are signs of whiteness.

This is pure Marxism.

The National Museum of African American History & Culture also attacked Christianity and the idea of property ownership.



  1. Where on earth do these people come from? So the features that develop good personal character and give someone accountability are signs of whiteness?? I just don't get it. I can't imagine what the blackness list looks like.

  2. Who cares?? That Asinine building will be defunded all on its own. BLACKS don't give a shit about anything. Just look at all the brand new buildings that have been built for blacks?? In six months. Looked like Mexico slums.

  3. Burn that dump down

  4. It is true actually.

    It is Caucasian People (not black or Jewish) people who are rugged individuals, hard workers, family oriented, so on. All of those good qualities for human beings are lacking among many races.

  5. It's more like asking everyone of every color why these attributes aren't respected and emulated by all.

  6. Wouldn't you love to see the blackness list?

  7. So if people who aren't white also demonstrate these attributes then they are "white" by default? And that is bad?
    It is a bad thing to work hard, have a connection with family and God?

    Does the writer of this not realize that they are essentially spouting the same ideals of racial inferiority used in the past but in a manner to shame those who are making progress in their lives into going against their cultural roots? I guess this is more proof that the Dems are the true racists!

  8. Did you expect anything less from the museum of African American history...🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

  9. Sounds to me that the indicators of "whiteness" are those things that grew the entire civilized world, whether the people were/are white or not, while the opposite behaviors in both Whites and non-whites are the belong to those who didn't build much of anything.


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