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Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Meet G4, a virus with pandemic potential which has just been found in China

As we’re struggling to combat covid-19, news from China indicates a growing presence of the G4 virus, a strain found in pigs that can usher the way for the next pandemic.

It looks like we are in a big soup because apparently there is a new virus that’s been doing the rounds and has the potential of causing the next pandemic.

A new flu virus strain called G4, identified among pigs in China, is now being detected amongst workers in the swine industry, according to a study published in journal PNAS. The study also says that the pathogen has “all the essential hallmarks of a candidate pandemic virus.” Now that’s horrifying.

Symptoms of the G4 virus infection are coughing and sneezing
The researchers found that the influenza virus strain, with genetic material termed as G4 genotype, has become predominant in swine populations since 2016.

According to scientists, including those from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, these G4 viruses affect the human respiratory system and start multiplying speedily.



  1. For millions of years we have had viruses and they sometimes end up with fatalities but for the most part we deal with them. All except for the last one in which we are still hiding in our basements

    1. Where the heck on the Eastern Shore is all these Basements you keep referring to???

  2. Get ready for another fake virus!!!! the NEW Pandemic of the H1N1 virus!!!! From pigs!!!

  3. Appears Joe Biden's, and Hunter Biden's, Chinese buddies are pushing the Democrats into office. The Chinese connection should be exploited but MSM will never do that.

    China will not like the outcome of the CIVIL WAR they are pushing by interfering in US elections with the help of the Democrats, Microsoft, TECH companies, CAIR, George Soros and family and Michael Bloomberg to start with.

  4. This is HOW China & Russia will Take over America & the World !!!

  5. I haven't seen anyone I know get the first VIRUS. Where do you all hang out?? Or maybe you have extremely poor hygiene.

    1. I had it and it was brutal!

  6. Trump...........save us!!!!

  7. I don’t want anything, including food, processed in China. End our dependence on China.


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