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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Mayors endorse reparations that study pegged at $6.2 quadrillion

Unanimously adopt resolution supports congressional study group

A political organization for U.S. mayors has adopted a resolution in support of reparations for blacks, and while the mayors didn't address the cost, one study has suggested it could reach $6.2 quadrillion.

That would be 6,200 trillion.

And that's without considering the "costs of colonial slavery, as well as racial discrimination following the abolition of slavery in the United States."

By comparison, the Gross Domestic Product of the world for 2019 was about $142 trillion, making the reparations about 43 times the total of the world's production for the year.



  1. Cripes, while we're at it throw in the moon on the back of a unicorn.

  2. Question arises, was Hogan part of this?

  3. those mayors must be crazy.

  4. Right becasue that money would s top all blacks from being stupid and racist and stop crime right?

  5. These are unfathomable numbers that have no backing in the report, with "assumed" reparation values. Slavery is despicable, no-one can refute that. However if the slaves that were sadly shipped to the "New World" had not been and history was rewritten to show they stayed in their native countries in East and West Africa (remember the West Africans "enslaved" the East Africans and sold them to the Portegese, Spanish, British etc., would they have been better off? would the 3-4-5-6-7-8 generations be better off today. Considering the Muslims in North Africa also enslaved East and Middle Africans at the same time and are STILL DOING SO TODAY in 2020, would they have been safer, made better to prosper in their home countries? I'm not convinced that they would have.

    This by NO MEANS justifies what was done, but lets all ponder that thought. How many of the Americans (Black and White) that are protesting the systemic racism in the USA today have been to Africa (West or East) and seen the absolute poverty? I have, and I have never been greeted by happier people to see an American. You know why, because we were there to help them with food and clean water and they loved us for it. It is interesting that 99% of the native Africans I met while there would give up a limb to live in extreme poverty in the USA.

    When you check real facts, over 40 million "black" immigrants have LEGALLY immigrated to the USA since 1930. Legally, not forced. That is four times the amount that were brought to the USA during the slave trade importing. Again, Slavery is a deplorable sin and travesty that should have never happened and shouldn't be happening today anywhere in the world.

    But to think that 5-6-7-8 generations later should be given some financial compensation for their ancestors hardship is illogical. What may be wiser is to spend some REASONABLE funding toward ending CURRENT slavery in the rest of world today in India, Russia, China, Bangladesh, Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia and other places where it actually exists.

    Lets get serious about the future and stop exploiting the past for some financial gain that hasn't been earned. We all have the most opportunity than in any other country in the world. Unfortunatly some folks just don't want to earn it.

  6. so, how much do the Japanese owe us for pearl harbor? how much do the Germans owe the Jews for the Holocaust? My great uncle was murdered, how much should the murderer's ancestors have to pay me? Are we now fining people for past atrocious behavior? Will that fix anything at all?? Slavery was terrible, money will not change that. Money-grubbing behavior is what got us in the mess in the first place. And continues to wreak havoc on society. You discriminated against me, so I can steal from Target. It's all B.S.!!!! Until we all accept personal responsibility for our own actions (not those that happened to live on the same dirt 400 years ago), society will continue to decline.

  7. Ludicrous...... what I have to comment would not be printed here or anywhere. So I’ll just say screw them. I will pull a Jesse Jackson and stop paying taxes. The large percent of my salary taken from me by the government will not go to any that have not be slaves. Even if there were slave, I have never had any and don’t want any around me. So again ....screw them and the horse they rode in on.

  8. They have already received their reparations: housing, food, medical, education, jobs, and let's not forget obama phones. What exactly did the descendants of northern soldiers receive? Look what the Jews who fought for civil rights for the blacks got?! A nasty dose of anti-Semitism and racism.

  9. So, the mayors propose giving approximately 40 million people (every black person in the USA) EVERYTHING PRODUCED IN THE ENTIRE WORLD for the next 43 years???? SERIOUSLY!?
    Maybe now you can see how the cities run by democrats are such debt ridden hell holes.
    They couldn't count to 5 even if you gave them one to four.

    Keep cheering.

  10. Doesn't matter they would all be broke come next Monday morning and asked me for a dollar at the 7-Eleven

  11. How much of this going to be paid by the Spanish, Portuguese, England, Ireland and most of all the African nations that sold their own for slaves?

  12. So the Mayors what this, fine, every federal dollar that goes to their cites will now go to the Africans.
    I bet they scream and shut up about reparations if this were the way it is.

  13. Who's going to reimburse we taxpayers for the waste of time these mayors took with participation in this SH*T?

  14. Ok I now have proof that my great great great great Grandfather fought in the American Revolution. His widow could not find the proper documents and never got her widows mention. Would I be able to get that nos6?

  15. Any fool's who voted for these people are seriously mentally ill.

  16. Until the Irish get their money. Blacks shouldn't get crap.

    1. Thank you I agree. Many children came here before the Atlantic Slave trade. Should I say they were rounded up and shipped here. With the intent to be use as labor in the fields many only lived a year. The a enrage age ranged from 8 to 14 treats old.

  17. It's over. It is finished. Put on your seat belt folks. It's gonna be one heck of a ride. Awful. Terrible. Bye bye USA. If they only understood how free we really are right now. Bye bye freedom.

  18. I use to not be racist. But now it is a consideration

  19. Northwest Woodsman: if we were to make a cumulative total of the costs of violent crime committed by negros, we could charge reparations which could then be deducted from their claims. Think of it, all the aspects of the police requirements, including support staff, maintenance, vehicles, training, etc., and also of the justice system Including facilities, judges, staff, utilities, Jails, prisons, which would have been unnecessary had we not had to deal with negro criminality. If you were to calculate what their behavior has cost us over the years, the amount would be staggering. That is just within the justice system. Just think about all of the other costs that are attributed to their presence in our communities. Welfare programs, section eight housing, affirmative action programs and all the other associated costs that come with trying to uplift them and accommodate their whining and demands that cost the taxpayer. Seems like they would owe us something but then again, they are not ones to recognize and show appreciation for all the efforts designed to help them. Each one should be granted a free, two week tour of Liberia, Somalia, Kenya, and other shining examples of life in Africa so they can see how lucky they are. Although, they I doubt if they could process the experience and recognize it as a learning experience.

  20. For separation let's teach the slave descendants how for run a house hold. How to handle money. Well gee why don't these classes start in school, that would be economics and math to use for a life time.


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