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Thursday, July 30, 2020

"Like Nothing We’ve Ever Seen": Imminent Eviction Wave Is Coming To These States

The eviction moratorium expired last Friday nearly four months after the US economy effectively shutdown due to the covid pandemic, and more than 12 million renters - all behind on rent payments because of the virus-induced recession - are now at imminent risk of getting booted to the curb.

This Friday, some 25 million Americans will no longer receive their weekly $600 federal unemployment checks, and the next round of government handouts, currently discussed by Republicans and Democrats, could see benefits slashed from $600 to $200 (or be nothing at all if no deal is reached in Congress). This would crush household finances across middle-class America, resulting in an even higher number of households unable to pay their rent bill in the months ahead.

That said, Trump's top economic advisor Larry Kudlow, who has religiously pumped stocks with meaningless headlines any time the S&P is even barely in the red, recently said an extension for the eviction moratorium program could be seen. But what if there isn't one?

In late July, more than 31 million Americans collected unemployment benefits of some form. The economic recovery reversed in late June, as the next crisis among households looms.

“It’s like nothing we’ve ever seen,” said John Pollock, coordinator of the National Coalition for a Civil Right to Counsel.

In 2016, there were 2.3 million evictions, Pollock said.

“There could be that many evictions in August,” he said.

On Sunday, food bank lines reemerged as people's benefits ran out. The number of jobless Americans is staggering and downright, depressionary, suggesting no labor market recovery this year or next.

With a fiscal cliff unfolding, benefits set to run out, and a rebound in the economy reversing, Household Pulse Data from mid-July outlines an even gloomier rent crisis unfolding.



  1. just the tip of the iceberg...so sad what lies ahead...

  2. Even more scary times ahead.

  3. Section 8 in Da BuryJuly 30, 2020 at 8:05 PM

    I be ok

    I just riot and loot and say it cause my man Floyd

    1. 8:05
      I know, right?

      Why doesn’t everybody do it?
      It’s easy. Plus the police have been ordered to stand down via the Blue Lodges.


  4. Their mostly throwing out black families so it will be stopped and labeled "Racist".

  5. I would expect most of them to be dumbocrats that came to rely on the slavery-dole...that would make karma appropriate!

    Everyone that I have seen or heard complaining about this is also complaining about President Trump as well!

    If you weren't so dependent on the dole, got yourself a job, saved a couple of dollars and led a conservative lifestyle...you'd be in much better shape!

    Trump 2020

    1. Gets a Job ?

      r u serious?

      all my family since the Civil War been on Government free ride

      keep working and pay your taxes

  6. Now for the other side of the store. I serve failure to pay rents notices and I have talked to my clients. Every person I talked to said things have not been that bad. People are paying. The only people that aren't paying are the same people that didn't pay before COVID. This is an election year people. You are going to hear a lot of BULL. They even told me that the people that were always late, have been paying. I believe that this is due to the $600.00 from unemployment that they were receiving.
    Don't believe everything you hear or see in print is true.Landlords are trying to work very hard with the people that are having a hard time. Stopping evictions will not solve the problem but the government is trying to make you believe this story. This is all going to backfire because the courts can't handle the back log. The tenants that don't pay up will have to
    in the end anyway. There are landlords that have mortgages to pay also but does anyone care about them. We all need help during this pandemic. Keep working together, we will get thru this situation.

  7. Damn you democrats.

  8. They should be evicted. Maybe they should have used their extra $600 to pay their rent. I never missed a day of work and paid my rent on time so why can’t you do it if you are getting more than you were paid when you were working?

  9. They should not have been behind. They were getting an extra 600 dollars.

    1. 9:00
      Yea but the guy on the corner ran a sale on crack this week . . .

  10. ...when in reality everyone should of been paying rent in advance with that extra $2,400.00 a month rolling in. :(

  11. There are jobs out there for the ones who want to work. Put your big boy pants on,pack a lunch and water jug ,and find some work boots and get after it!!!

  12. Target, Lowe’s, Home Depot, Walmart and various grocery stores all have help wanted signs at their entrance doors. If you say you can’t find a job it’s because you don’t want to work.

  13. All I can say is you got $2400 more dollars a month. Was that 60" TV more important to have that you bought with that money instead of paying your rent?????


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