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Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Kamala Harris' Wikipedia Under Scrutiny After Numerous Edits

The Wikipedia entry of Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., a reported front runner as a potential vice presidential pick of presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, has seen numerous edits the past two months, most of them by one editor, The Intercept is reporting.

The page has seen more than 500 revisions since May 9, which The Intercept characterized as "scrubbing controversial aspects" that "could prove unflattering to Harris." It also reported the editing has "elicited strong pushback" from the online encyclopedia's cadre of volunteer editors.

All of the activity and commentary has led Wikipedia to place the page under "discretionary sanctions," which include allowing one "revert" in a 24-hour period.

The practice apparently is not unprecedented. Virginia Democratic Sen. Tim Kaine's selection by Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as her vice presidential choice in 2016 was preceded by a flurry of edits on his Wikipedia page in the weeks prior, more than any other potential candidate, according to The Atlantic.



  1. Just accept the fact that we aren't idiots and let it go at that.

  2. Harris has more donations then Biden when she halted her campaign. She was the front runner for money flushed up with big tech from California. Her mom was Indian her dad was half black.she claims to be AA.

    1. A person’s drinking problems should not be mentioned

  3. oh for Goodness sake

    because of what Obama did

    you will never see another Vice President or President that is black

    1. Sure as heck hope not. It was public opinion that the failed black (?) guy would not be good before he was sworn in. Guess what, the opinion poll was correct. The jerk ruined America, as planned.


  4. Her mother is Indian from the country of India. Her father is Jamaican, and his family were slave owners. Harris spent most of her formative years in Canada after parents divorced. She obviously had no control over those parts of her life.

    But she had complete control over her decision to be the 'side piece' of powerful CA politician, Willie Brown. While working under him she was appointed to a number of jobs which positioned her to run for AG in California, and then the Senate. Her baggage in multiple areas makes her a poor VP candidate. Being on a losing ticket will reduce her prospects down the road.

  5. Nothing Wikipedia prints is worth reading anymore. Too many outright lies there.

  6. Why would Biden select her; she basically outed him as a racist during a debate. The bigger point is she couldn't budge the delegate needle so suspended her campaign; what makes Joe think she is going to help his cause? America doesn't need another radical left wing moon bat at the helm.

    1. 29 million when campaign suspended vs Joes 11 million at the same time. She is 25 people black and is another vessel to the highest bidder. It’s actually a perfect choice. Media will clear the path for her.

  7. Wiki???

    Is everyone now figuring out anyone can have a Wiki and anyone can change everything on Wiki?

    I thought I'm always late to the party...glad to see I was early for a change.

    Dammit, where is happy hour discount!!!!!!!!

  8. 3:12 is correct. It should be noted that powerful politician Willie Brown,who was married, was having affair with Kamala "Mistress" Harris, and since they are both Democ-Rats, it's okay. She is in the bed with socialists, which explains her rise in ranks of DEM party.

  9. Drinking......had nothing it was she was mention as Washington Ho!! How do you think she got where she did???

  10. WHO? just another has been


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