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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Joe Biden's disastrous plans for America's suburbs

If you live in the suburbs or you’re a city dweller eyeing a move to a quiet cul-de-sac where your kids can play outside, you need to know about Joe Biden’s plan for a federal takeover of local zoning laws.

The ex-veep wants to ramp up an Obama-era social engineering scheme called Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing that mercifully barely got underway before President Trump took office, vowing to stop it.

Biden’s plan is to force suburban towns with single-family homes and minimum lot sizes to build high-density affordable housing smack in the middle of their leafy neighborhoods — local preferences and local control be damned.

Starting in 2015, President Barack Obama’s Department of Housing and Urban Development floated a cookie-cutter requirement for “balanced housing” in every suburb. “Balanced” meant affordable even for people who need federal vouchers. Towns were obligated to “do more than simply not discriminate,” as a 2013 HUD proposal explained. Rather, towns had to make it possible forlow-income minorities to choose suburban living and provide “adequate support to make their choices possible.”

Had the rule been implemented nationwide, towns everywhere would have had to scrap zoning, build bigger water and sewer lines to support high-density living, expand schools and social services and add mass transit. All pushing up local taxes. Towns that refused would lose their federal aid.

The rule was one of the worst abuses of the Obama-Biden administration — a raw power grab masquerading as racial justice.



  1. This plan was not Barry’s of course.
    He was a puppet of the elite banking families, same as the Donald.

    This is a globalist agenda. Part of world-wide communism. It is a plan to literally create a “commune society” where everybody is enslaved and poor except the bankers.

  2. Just look at Maryland where democrats who sit on land use committees and environmentalists have stopped all development.

  3. They’ve done this everywhere they built section 8 housing in established neighborhoods which resulted in destabilization and sell offs of housing

  4. For 8 years is you disagreed with the President you were a racist now if you agree with the President you’re a racist... These Marxists use race as a tool and nothing else

  5. Not a single person I know can tell me Biden’s policy’s and when I tell people he has Bernie sanders platforms, betos gun policy’s and AOC will head climate I’m told it’s not true he never said it. Living in a basement and not leaving is perfect for him.

  6. I am glad to see Trump is making this an issue. The problem with people in the suburbs is they take their way of life for granted. What I mean by that and, no offense, we don't expect the Government to disrupt our communities that we worked hard to afford with individuals who have been on welfare generation after generation to move in next door. We don't react until they break ground - then it is almost impossible to reverse.
    I can name a few Salisbury/Fruitland construction companies that would jump on building low income housing in affluent neighborhoods.
    You do remember during the Obama economy that we were paying our neighbors mortgage. Well now you would be doing both mortgage, water bills etc extra free loaders. Not to mention crime.
    Just look what has happened to your community with the prison down the street. Prisoners families move to your area while their family member does time. After their release from prison they stay in your community because they are accepted or because it is too late to change the system.
    You must vote for Trump 2020 or your way of life will suffer.
    Just look at those cities with Democrat Governors and Mayor's. The are siding with the thugs. Only God knows why these idiots side with people who want to destroy America.
    I saw thugs burning the American flag and my blood boils. If you don't like America get the hell out.
    Vote Trump 2020 - your life depends on it. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฒ

  7. As successful cities become tech Hubs the sprawl of the Suburbs and the surplus of unskilled employment opportunities in retail hospitality and food service and a shortage of labor in those communities is what will make this a reality.

  8. His PLAN is to have ALL the girls 14-17 sent to him for his Pleasure !!!!

  9. @940 I'd rather live poor and work for minimum wage then live in those urban shitholes. No thank you. If I wanted to live in Africa I'd move there.

  10. @940 If I wanted to live in Africa I'd move there. There is a reason none of us are moving to Baltimore or DC and stay right here on the shore in spite of its hardships and limited opportunities. Born here, will die here. Nothing will change that.


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