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Friday, July 10, 2020

Jeffrey Epstein's brother says pedophile financier was murdered

Jeffrey Epstein’s brother is insisting that the pedophile financier was murdered and is demanding an investigation into his death after a coroner ruled he died by suicide in jail while awaiting child trafficking charges.

Mark Epstein says he does not believe his brother committed suicide in his Metropolitan Correctional Center jail cell on August 10, citing how three bones in his neck were broken in an unusual fashion.

'I believe my brother was murdered. I want to know what kind of investigation they did. I have no indication that there was one,' Mark Epstein said to The Sun.



  1. Where is the outage here???? Oh ,this is a while person ....so sorry

    1. Why would there be outrage over a serial pedophile. He exploited young girls for decades. And as far as who killed him. The republicans and democrats all had their sick lives so either side could herb had him killed.

    2. He most certainly did need to be eliminated, but not before he was mentally debriefed and allowed to sing.

  2. Of course he was murdered. Does anyone believe he killed himself?

  3. No way ..... just no way

  4. Of course he was murdered!

  5. No need to feel any remorse over this person, no matter what color he was.

  6. Ask Hillary or Bill. I don't think they can say a sentence without a lie in it though.

  7. The commenters here do not know who was Mr. Epstein or understand the importance and purpose of the Island. It was a political honey trap run by Mossad for Israel. It offered compromised American goyim the opportunity to engage in extravagant lifestyle and sexual activity while being filmed. In exchange, the Americans were financed and set up to be successful (rich) and politicians or judges.

    These people are littered throughout the US government. They now work for Israel, who is establishing a communist society in the United States. That is what is happening right now. The politicians are being publicly chided to go along with the communist agenda (BLM, ANTIFA) or else be exposed with the recordings.

    They are totally trapped.

    One cannot separate the conspiracies at this moment in time. They are all intertwined. COVID-19, BLM, ANTIFA, US Dollar collapse and counterfeit by the Fed, destruction of historical records and monuments, and the Jeffrey Epstein incident. The Epstein Files are the Deep State's blackmail files against the US politicians.

    Get it?

    1. Straight from Langley no doubt

  8. Even if he was murdered who cares he was scum using young girls to entertain his rich friends are we supposed to feel bad about his death? No loss don't care.

  9. No, the Clintons are a close second to Obama when it comes to best liars.

  10. His ego was too large for suicide.

  11. Glad he is Dead! That is all that matters.


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