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Thursday, July 23, 2020

Japan reports record 795 new daily virus cases amid resurgence

TOKYO - Japan on Wednesday reported a record of 795 new daily coronavirus infections, exceeding the previous single-day high set in April, as the country battles a resurgence of the virus after it lifted a state of emergency less than two months ago.

The figure brings the nationwide tally to over 27,800, including some 700 from the Diamond Princess, the cruise ship quarantined in Yokohama in February.

Since the nationwide state of emergency was entirely lifted in late May, there has been a surge in the number of new infections particularly in Tokyo's nightlife establishments such as hostess and host bars, as well as other urban areas across Japan.

Tokyo Gov. Yuriko Koike urged its residents to avoid nonessential outings during the upcoming four-day holiday as Tokyo's cumulative coronavirus cases topped the 10,000 mark.



  1. But but but I thought its the US governments fault and its fake and blah blah blah. How dare Japan lie to screw with our election.

  2. So Hogan sold some of his test kits to Japan too?

  3. So does this prove the mask don't work?

  4. Cases don't mean deaths.

    If there was a way to test everyone for the flu each flu season, you would find millions and millions of cases. So what.

    I have NEVER had the flu and don't take any flu shots. Does that mean I've never been exposed, or that I just don't get sick.

    What happened to critical thinking in this country? Oh, that's right, public schools and teacher incompetence!


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