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Friday, July 24, 2020

Is there a link between coronavirus and Guillain-Barre syndrome?

Guillain-Barre syndrome attacks the nerves, causing an abnormal sensation, weakness and possible paralysis

Several reports are looking at a possible link between the novel coronavirus and the rare neurological syndrome Guillain-Barre.
The New England Journal of Medicine discussed how five patients in Northern Italy were diagnosed with the neurological condition 5 to 10 days after the onset of symptoms of COVID-19. The report said patients demonstrated weakness and paresthesias starting in their legs that developed over a period of 4 days, causing some patients to require ventilation and experience paralysis. The authors of the report said the onset is similar to Guillain-Barre syndrome that occurs after illnesses such as Epstein-Barr and Zika virus.


  1. Biological Warefare

    Democrats have unleashed this on us

  2. Those who accept the annual influenza vaccine are more likely to succumb to COVID-19.

  3. And A link between china and democrats is right there in front of you.

  4. To answer the headline .... the answer is NO. Stop buying this bullshit !!!!

  5. Covid causes a blood clotting factor that should be treated with an anti inflammatory.

  6. There is definitely a link between dumbocrat run cities and the number of cases.

  7. 10:00 Don't leave out Rino run states - Hog'n.


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