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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Is the Teachers Union in Wicomico County planning on blocking the Reopening of county schools?

Why do they need to send out a survey to the "members?" This should be up to the parents and the taxpayers.


  1. Wow, I guess no white males attend the public schools here by looking at the picture.

    1. What a reprehensible comment. Please review the definition of reprehensible. Also visit the definition of racist. You are the problem.

    2. Why is he a racist for identifying a racially exclusive photo? Clearly you are a racist

    3. Is anyone in this photo white? Clearly the answer is yes! White males are first and foremost on your mind....Truth

  2. Parents and taxpayers?


    Those children belong to the State.
    Their delivery as goods were documented as birthed in the State. They are assets toward the National Debt to the private (and secret) Federal Reserve Banking Families.

  3. They want you stupid, you can't be a smart slave you have to be stupid!!!! And just because you are successful does not mean you are smart!!!!

  4. Hogan is definitely keeping schools closed. He has opportunity to purchase test in the US the White House task force, general and vp orchestrated it. With out notice he purchased out of country. It’s on YouTube in live time when they found out and were totally confused on why he did... 2 months later media tour on how he saved Maryland from bad orange man... another globalist

  5. Every teacher's union in the country is surveying its members. In the end the results won't mean much. However the teacher's should have some say in their working conditions.

  6. Teachers are being asked for input as partners in the Recovery Plan. They will be tasked with making all students safe, including making them wear masks. They know well the lack of consequences when students commit non-violent offenses. Who on earth would think the opinions of teachers don't matter?

  7. It's Never been about the students...the Union is an arm of the U.N. wake up sheep!!!

  8. Let's see. Teachers Unions push teachers to keep schools closed. They push for higher pay. They push for teaching kids with a fraction of teachers by using computers. They push for teachers to pay higher union dues. I may have a solution.

    For every reduction of teachers house to actually teach, why can't we increase their payroll taxes to the point were the teacher earns nothing after taxes if they do no teaching. The worst that can happen would be for them to resign but what's the difference?

  9. I've always said you have to learn History. Let me give teacher unions a little history lesson. Under President Reagan the Air Traffic Controller's Union threatened to conduct a nation wide strike. President Reagan fired them. It was a record breaking settlement that solved that problem. Teacher's Union did you learn anything?

  10. And there was no option to vote for full open.

  11. Hell yes! We’re not your babysitters or nannies and not bullet proof from CV 19. See you when the vaccines are readily available and proven.

    1. R u staying in ur home 24/7?

    2. Exactly! Can’t say school isn’t safe but continue to go to Walmart or grocery stores or anywhere in public for that matter.

    3. Stay home all you want. But you should not be receiving a pay check!!! If this is your attitude I wouldn’t want you around my children!! My be we should give the education dollars to the parents and they can choose where the children go!!!! We would save money and our kids would get a good education. Right now they are not!!! The k through 1/ and collages have turned into what I now call leftest youth camps!!! The same as Hitlers youth camps. You see it more and more every day. Parents need to wake up!!!

  12. We couldn’t vote for green, full open.

  13. I am a teacher and sent in my answers to their BS survey...just before formally withdrawing from the WCEA. I was always scared into being a member in case a kid or parent makes crazy accusations, but at this point I will take my chances. They do NOT support real education. They also moved all teachers back a step on the salary scale this year, while incentivizing new teachers. Totally unacceptable.

    1. 🎻 😭 🎶

    2. No teacher moved back on the salary scale this year. View your email from Dr. Pavic! You are a disgrace to our profession and evidently you cannot read. Please float alone without a Union.Who would want to help you anyway? #shallowgenepool

    3. Wow 4:35. You are an exact representation of the union. Nasty and rude and hateful if another teacher doesn’t want to be a part of the union or deal with its politics. You are an example of why I withdrew from WCEA several years ago. We all know WCEA is a lame duck entity.

    4. 4:35 you're mistaken. Everyone was moved from their current step to one step back instead of one step forward. It may not have been a reduction in pay, but it was still a backward move in steps. If you were step 5 this past year, you will move to step 4 instead of up to step 6. New first year teachers will get to move forward one step each year without ever moving back. You should reread your email.

    5. You were not moved back on the scale, they removed two steps from the beginning of the scale and two steps from the end of the scale. Look at your salary, your making more money this year. So uninformed!

    6. More money or not, if you were a 10 year teacher now you'll become a step 9 when you would have become a step 11. Do you lack basic math skills? 10 MINUS ONE equals 9. First year teachers in 11 years will be on step...11. Not 9. So, all intelligent explainer- how is that right?

    7. @640 a step 2 will go to step 1 instead of 3...so third year teachers will make the same as first year teachers. You think that's okay? Really?

  14. If every business in the county and the country for that matter, can figure out how to keep their employees "safe", there is no excuse for the schools all over the country not opening and being open 5 days a week. If we start demanding that they return money, since they do not want to use the buildings, then maybe they will become "woke" about that.

  15. Why are any city, county, state or federal offices closed?! Private industry and retail have been open for months. Gert off your well paid butts and get back to work, serving the public.

  16. I heard Bob Culver passed away? Is this true?

  17. Gosh, I thought schooling was so crucial that we needed to throw more and more money at it, year after year. Guess schooling wasn't so important after all.

    As for the teacher's unions: they are merely fund-raising organizations for the repulsive Democrat party.

    And as for you teachers: No work, my precious darlings? Then no pay! That's the way it works in the real world. So get off your fat behinds and get to class. If you don't want to show up, we'll find people who will. And, considering the rotten scores achieved by your students, we might be better off with a few fresh faces. I repeat: Get off your fat, whiny, lazy behinds! You're not that special. You have to work--like all the rest of us.

    1. You should contact a babysitter or nanny service for your child. Teachers are neither.

    2. Teacher's aren't even teacher's. You all make excuses why kids can't read and write. You say you're afraid to stand up. You're an EMBASSMENT and should quit. But you won't. Making too much money to do nothing.

    3. And I shouldn’t be a teacher. Sounds to me you don’t care about teaching our students.

  18. Online learning sounds great until you really think about it. I have grandchildren in another school district and their mother had the following conversation with the school board.

    Mother: Do you expect my children to sit in front of a computer monitor for seven hours a day?

    School board: No. There will be regular breaks for bathroom time, lunch and recess. Your child will only be in front of the computer for about five hours per day.

    Mother: But I have three children. How is that going to work?

    School board: You will have to purchase two additional computers. Each student must have their own computer and monitor.

    Mother: But we live in a rural area with questionable broadband service. I doubt that our internet service provider can provide enough bandwidth. And, by the way, what happens to the board's server when all these students log on at the same time? Will your server crash?

    School board: We didn't think about that.

    1. Every student is getting a computer. You do not have to buy a computer

    2. And what if the kid lives in the country outside of cable or a Wi-Fi area? Or a total dead zone for reception? What then?

  19. Dear readers,

    First, they are an association. That's sort of like being in glee club. Second, their contracts are rock solid on this point. Stage a walkout, refuse to report to work, or get caught in a sick out (admin. has the contractual right to request a medical excuse if they suspect staff is abusing the right provided)

    Teachers, I strongly advise you to seek professional legal council with an independent attorney before proceeding with any action. This is most definitely a termination offense.

    Kind regards,


    1. Paladin,
      I am a Union member, teacher and have administrator certification.You sound like a "wet behind the ears" administrator that never ever spent time in the classroom!!!! You have no understanding of contracts or legal action. Please post your email and I will send you possible times when we can meet to discuss contract law in Maryland. It is evident you need help in becoming proficient with contract language❤

    2. Anon 10:03 - no response to Paladin after he put you in your place? Funny how that works. Go back to you electronic classroom and be quiet

  20. Open the schools and do your damn job and teach!

    If you can't or refuse, then like any job in the private sector, you need to be discharged immediately without tenure or severance for insubordination.

    You, like the rest of us are paid to do a job. The tax payers and property owners of this county and state demand accountability for the outrageous taxes and fees that are forced upon us.

    Better yet, abolish the Board of education and the NEA. Offer parents school choice and school vouchers to a private school of our choice so that our children are not indoctrinated in you liberal communist, anti white, anti family teachings.

    1. By any chance are you a Republican?

    2. Well said!! 6:25. The rest of us have to do our job so they should have to do theirs.

  21. Ill hold back my taxes or give it to me as a voucher. Get your asses back to work or DEFUND PUBLIC EDUCATION. Sounds like we need to hold some rioting of our own!!

  22. Bet you all wish you listened to me years ago.. SCHOOL VOUCHERS GET IT ON THE BALLOT!!..DEFUND public education NOW

  23. You guys are a hot mess. So who do you plan on having teach (babysit) your kids? All I see all day long in here is to close restaurants and bars and how OC is money hungry. It isn't safe. But when you find out you may have to actually raise your child, all of a sudden it is all good. I have never seen such hate for a profession in my life. I appreciate all teachers do. It is a hard job. And teaching online is even harder. Kudos to all teachers. The rest of you are nothing but Hippocrates.

  24. Yep, You can bet your sweet arse that the lawless teachers union is planning on blocking the reopening of schools. They have had it made since March sitting home and doing absolutely nothing. This is exactly what they want to continue to do. Stay home and do nothing.

    I hope they do that and it will further prove that public schools are worthless and not needed.

    School Vouchers, PLEASE!

  25. Anonymous said...
    Wow, I guess no white males attend the public schools here by looking at the picture.

    July 22, 2020 at 2:38 PM

    That's what it looks like in that picture.

  26. If that picture doesn't spell I.N.D.O.C.T.R.I.N.A.T.I.O.N. I don't know what does.

  27. meanwhile, even the private schools are already cancelling in person instruction as well...how are these angry Karen's gonna teach their kids?


  28. Why do the obituaries not open on here any more?

  29. Very few white students in Wicomico schools anymore. Looks like D.C.

  30. 4:07, you can get the same liability insurance coverage fro Christian Educators for less than $250 a year as apposed to the BS wcea at over $600. We teachers better watch what stupid move the union makes because when the next contract negotiations happen we could be in trouble. Open the schools and let us do our jobs.

    1. La Rae Munk and friends resurface. Dave, Kelly etc. you did Nothing to help your colleagues and should hide UNDER a rock!!! Your post lacks truth and.is as disgusting as your politics!!!!!

    2. Ummmm... I’m not LaRae, Dave , or Kelly. Guess there are a lot more than three teachers who think the Union is a corrupt, political, useless piece of 💩. Kudos to those three teachers. Good to know others have the same view as me 😁

    3. I’m not Dave, LaRae or Kelly either. I am a teacher and I have liability insurance through Christian Educators. Saves me a lot of money every year and I don’t have to put up with all the politics. Check it out teachers!!!!

    4. I'm a teacher too, none of those aforementioned, and quit the union for only representing ulta-liberal views and policies.

  31. They aren't schools. They are adult daycares. People aren't sending their kids there anyway. Why do you think the bums are what's left?? Anyone who cares for the safety and education of their kids have already left. Why do you think the wicomico county schools look like section 8 Zoo's.

    1. What's that supposed to mean????

    2. WTF do you think it means,???

  32. "Members" only, no users, not taxpayers, not non-WCEA teachers, not parents, not PTSA members. No one but "members" need weigh in.

  33. DEFUND ALL WICOMICO COUNTY SCHOOLS NOW!! No need for teachers at this point! Do it all on line and Save a ton of money!

    1. Who do you think is doing the teaching online - a magic fairy? You still need teachers you moron. Gosh I hope you don't have children.

    2. Actually 1129am you don’t need teachers for online classes. Many schools have access to distant learning videos that require no human teacher at all as the work has already been done by a third party company. It’s clear you are not a teach because you lack the proper way to form a sentence, utilizing commas and other pertinent punctuation. Given your writing skills, would guess you dropped out of school about the third grade. Sorry but your moronic comment has the added cherry of you, clearly a moron, calling someone else a moron. How fascinating that your lack of self awareness seems vast.

  34. Get rid of all the teachers and save MILLIONS!

  35. No school means No BOE open also, since they work for the schools which they want closed. Since they are not fulfilling their contracts, NO WORK NO PAY

    Look at the money tax payers will save on taxes with all these expenses no longer in use. No salaries having to be paid. No benefits being paid. No utilities being paid for the schools and BOE. Teachers and all other BOE employees will be paying their own benefits.

    I want a tax refund. As a senior it will help since I can't get the $600 give away, $31,000 a year from unemployment for just sitting around doing nothing.

  36. I used to have a little respect for Joan Smith and the teachers union, but this takes the cake. I can no longer support this organization.

    1. Why. Have you taught before. Have you walked in their shoes

    2. 1006 am It’s astounding. You would’ve rioted in the streets if grocery store workers or first responders had refused to work during the last 5 months but you don’t seem to have one problem with teachers not working. What planet do you herald and can you get a one way ticket back?


  37. I do not know if WCEA sent its members a survey. But WCBOE sent a survey to employees asking for some input about one (1) of the three (3) current possible back to school scenarios, called a hybrid model. It would have half the students in class on alternating occasions, and the other half the following occasion. Either in school every other day, or every other week.

    There is a pretty complete description on the board's website; those with an aversion to details should read it carefully. The other two choices, which were not surveyed, are regular school operations with all in masks, or entirely virtual schooling.

    Those involved are working with best interests of all stakeholders; kids, parents, staff.

    1. There is no day for a deep clean in either of the boards models. Do you know that EVERY school is understaffed (Custodians) by at least 5 people? Do you know it took 6 BOE employees 6 days to deep clean 24 schools in June? Do you know people are being told to "Pick and choose what they clean" in our schools? Do you know no "new hires" have been trained to clean our schools based upon CDC and OSHA standards? Do you know facilities leaders in each school are saying "we are not ready to open yet?" Do you care if children lose their lives?????

  38. can you say property tax cut? seems like its about time! thanks hanlan and briggs!

  39. 3:54p...so do you feel the same way about the supply chain workers who’ve kept food on the shelves? Kept the hardware stores open and the gas stations open so you can still get what you want and need for the last 5mos? Are those employees bullet proof to the Wuhan, or are you just more important than they are? You can take leave if you aren’t comfortable returning. When it runs out, you can return or find something else to do, just like the rest of us.

  40. Opening the schools isn’t just about teachers. The other employees are affected as well. They can’t draw unemployment so many are going without an income.

  41. Well I guess the teachers will have to be laid off and go on unemployment. Our taxes should be lower due to schools not being in session.

  42. The United States already lags behind in education. The blame lies with the BOE and the Teachers union. The Democrat led education systems in our country have been wrecking the minds of our kids long enough. The whole system needs to be revamped. There are some really great teachers in Wicomico County. And sadly there are twice as many bad ones who only go through the motions looking forward to retirement. The Common core crapfest was the last nail in our school systems coffin. And speaking to 11:29 am. You are the moron. Do all the households in Wicomico have internet for kids to take online classes? And online classes can be taught by anybody from any state. Just goes to show that local schools are a thing of the past. Good bye to the over funded bloated school systems.

  43. Teachers are getting fat and spoiled during the so-called pandemic, and getting rich. There’s a husband and wife who teach at Mardela Middle and High School who the wife is stupid enough to post pictures on her Facebook page of their frequent trips in their motorhome they’ve taken since April and now pictures of their brand new onboard motorboat the two just purchased. Absolutely disgusting.

    1. Keep crying, loser. Lol

    2. Is that you Cory?

    3. First of all, it is summer and teachers are off and not being paid so it is really none of your business what this couple is doing. Also to see her pictures she must have you as a social media friend, and clearly you are not a friend in any sense of the word. Teachers are not rich but by all means if you think they have it so good feel free to get your certificate and apply. Otherwise keep your ignorant opinions to yourself

    4. Some teachers do get paid during the summer if they chose that option.

    5. I’m a teacher and I’ve lost weight since April

    6. 8:40 only because they have money put aside from what they make during the school year. So they’ve already earned the money they’re getting for “summer pay” during the school year.

    7. Wicomico teachers are a real trip. They run around acting as if they do something magnificent yet look at all the issues experienced in the school system over the last decade. You have guidance counselors sleeping with 14 year olds. Principals and Vice Principals being fired and prosecuted for covering up for said counselor. You have the mayor’s wife working as a teacher turning tricks for drugs and a full fledge drug dealer at Parkside, prosecuted and then released from prison early without so much as a slap on the wrist. And then theres the gross misappropriation of funds when teachers were literally stealing from the kids.

      The Wicomico Board of Ed really should concentrate more on cleaning up its act rather than obsessing over a pandemic that, let’s face it, will be over November 4th if not already being that people protesting and rioting don’t seem to be worried too much about it.

      This article just goes to show people just how much the WBOE is not doing for the community. They’ve become a crime syndicate in reality. Teaching your kids couldn’t be the furtherest thing from their minds.

      Honestly with all the criminality listed above, if you’re not craving to homeschool your kids and keep them away from the teachers and administrators in Wicomico, there’s obviously something very wrong with you.

  44. Kids and staff will be safe if all wear masks, social distance and keep hands clean. If you believe this can be done, you don't work in a public school.

  45. Keep them schools closed FOREVER. Safer for the kids!

  46. Dear readers,

    The individual who posted at 10:03 referred to me as a “wet behind the ears” administrator. While amusing, I would like to take a moment to respond. First, I served and worked with Bill Middleton while he negotiated with Chet Elder and JP. I learned more about school law and contract law than I ever imagined I would, so I assure you I was (and continue to be) very well versed in contract law. Second, I served several roles in public schools, from teaching (well over a decade) to administration (school based and central office). To be sure, I would welcome your uneducated and inexperienced opinions against my 34 years of practice and experience. By your own admission, you hold an administrative certification, so your experience vs mine would be interesting to say the least. In fact, it might be a lot of fun to dissect your thought process on a live zoom meeting, but that would be just plain mean and rude. I wish you the best as you continue to learn about the subtle nuances and stark facts that is contract law.

    To the teachers who are reading this, I stand by my previous comments. Consult an attorney before you do anything with the association. I would suggest Luke Rommel, Esq.

    Kind regards,


  47. Parents do the best for your children and home school them. Make the sacrifice for your children. They are worth it.

  48. Anonymous said...
    I heard Bob Culver passed away? Is this true?

    July 22, 2020 at 5:34 PM

    It was true then but it is now, he passed this morning.

  49. Teachers know they can stay home and still get paid. Total job security.

    1. Distance learning is so much more work than teaching in the school. You speak of what you do not know. I believe most teachers would rather go back to school than attempt distance learning again.

    2. Almost every teacher I've talked to wants to stay home. Only a few seem to want to actually work. They're more worried about Covid than real education.

    3. They don’t teach your kids when they’re in the classroom, what makes you think your kids will be taught with distant learning? Most of those teachers don’t do anything but indoctrinate the kids; not teach them.

  50. Hey Joe, watch out for Carl Anderton he's been working overtime to get an appointment to fill Culver's seat as County Executive.

  51. No work No pay. People in the county will come to demand that if these whimps called teachers do't go back to work.

  52. Another semester when the teachers sit at home on their butts taking in a paycheck & giving very little. If other people have to work for a living, they should have to work, too.

  53. If they close schools we’ll be home schooling this year then packing up and moving to a state that’s sane

    1. Every state is considering home schooling. Maybe move to another country where the leaders had a better response to the pandemic

    2. Every state is not. You should do your homework before saying such an idiotic thing. What school do you work at? Parkside? Bennett?

  54. I’m not a teacher but I am a union member and have one child in public school. My child has underlying health conditions and I do not support reopening schools this fall. Not every child comes from a household that practices social distancing or masks wearing. There are too many people who refuse to accept that a virus is running rampant in our communities but would rather make it political and keep division going. I put my child’s life and the lives of the teachers over conspiracy theories. When Baron Trump’s private school opens or he attends public school along with bubble brain Betsy Devos’s grandchildren then they can preach to everyone else. You people always get on this blog it’s you high and mighty opinions that the people you worship don’t even practice but instead give you lip service. This virus should have been dealt with back in February instead of being ignored and down played now we are in a crisis. Republicans are never real leaders, only liars, racists, bigots, con men and thieves. Send your kids to public school, leave mine alone.

    1. Why don’t you homeschool then. Nobody is making your child go to public school. Just because your child has health issues doesn’t mean the whole county should be given an indefinite vacation from the jobs they’re paid to do. Sorry about your kid but use common sense.

  55. 4:00 Stay home and teach your sickly child your dumbass liberal views! Glad, you won't be teaching my children! This virus would have been long gone if it wasn't for the Democrats in this country! In fact we never would have had it here to begin with!

  56. The Democrats did not slow down testing nor have indoor political rallies nor refuse to wear masks nor call the virus a hoax nor say it would just disappear. How do Trump supporters believe he has acted sanely? His own son's posh, exclusive private school won't be open this fall, but public schools should be? Wonder how the Democrats got Barron's school to stay closed!

    1. Nope they just looted, burned down cities, and tore down statues because of their "frustration" at police and white men from hundreds of years ago. So much better 🙄

  57. Hey Anonymous at July 22, 2020 at 5:34 PM: You were only four days off on your announcement! The answer is "Yes" Bob Culver did pass away and it is now True!

  58. Anonymous said...
    Distance learning is so much more work than teaching in the school. You speak of what you do not know. I believe most teachers would rather go back to school than attempt distance learning again.

    July 26, 2020 at 7:18 PM


    You are SO FULL OF $HIT!!!

  59. Anonymous said...
    Keep them schools closed FOREVER. Safer for the kids!

    July 24, 2020 at 10:14 PM

    ROTFLMAO!! These Libtard school teachers love their lazy a$$ stay at home job.

  60. Anonymous said...
    Hey Joe, watch out for Carl Anderton he's been working overtime to get an appointment to fill Culver's seat as County Executive.

    July 26, 2020 at 1:55 PM

    Yeah, I hear he has been sucking up to the county council members. What a morbid Douche Bag! He is the last person that I want as my county executive.

  61. Carl Anderton trying to get a replacement for Bob Culver so quick?? He should be ashamed of himself that selfish, self-serving Bastard! How about getting rid of Carl Anderton along with the Wicomico County Executive Office in 2022? If he wants to keep making the Wicomico County Taxpayers pay for a $3,000,000 a year wasteful expediture and hooking his friends up with the job, Be Gone ANDERTON BOY! In 2022 this Office will be voted out for it's worthless use to the County and so will you! We now have a County Administrator, John Psota who can run the county as effectively at $122,000 a year alomg with drawing a Maryland State Police Pension Making bank at about $50,000 a year! The Wicomico County Executive's Office is now a Defunct Office!! I am sick and tired of all of the Quid Pro Quo going on in this County! One question though,"Can you hook a brother up?"

  62. If they don’t want to work do what Trump said give the school funds to parents and let them decide where to educate their kids

  63. This article is hilarious. By refusing to open, Wicomico stands fo lose all their federal funding. Not to mention opening up the avenues for more homeschooling and school choice. Exactly what Wicomico teachers and board of ed doesn’t want. See what hate and sloth get you? Exactly what you don’t want to happen, happens. Hilarious indeed.

  64. No wonder are kids don't learn anything with this group of misfit's.

  65. why cant the schools reopen, and the parents given an option for kids to distance learn or go to school. wouldn't this fair to everybody..teachers would be earning their paycheck, most students would be in school....problem solved

  66. it is time to dismantle the Teachers Union, and if schools don't open up, it is time to layoff some teachers and staff, let them go into the unemployment line

  67. distant learning will only work for some children, parents will have to stay home if they have children who can not stay home by themselves, not all children are self starters.... only catering to the few is discrimination.... schools can open up .... for those teachers who don't want to go back to work, get in the unemployment line.... for those parents who have children with serious health condition, keep them home and find another way of teaching your kids.... If find most of this BS, because NO ONE Cared about H1N1 nor do anybody in the school system including all those who have health issues DON'T care Each And Every Year during Influenza season....

  68. I hope all the teachers walk off the job and leave you idiots to deal with your kids. Good luck with that!

    1. We can't walk off the job if we can't show up and do it. Parents ARE having to homeschool their kids because the kids can't do all this stuff alone without actual instruction, hence the need to go back.

  69. I'm in the same boat as July 22, 4:07 pm. Union member or not, there are plenty of teachers who want to go back to school, full time. And I say this as an at-risk patient. You cannot hold the world hostage for this virus (which is diminishing in significance every day). If parents don't want to send kids, let them stay home and do online stuff. But let us teachers (at least the ones that one to) go to work, let parents go to work (especially those that need to), and let kids learn!

    Yes, sorry WCEA. Bye bye. You will not be getting a deduction from my paycheck this year. I used to think that the local level wasn't as political as the national level, but you have proven that the DNC has you all marching in lockstep.

  70. Wicomico county had call today...full distance learning 1st semester.

  71. WOW! You people are talking out of both sides of your mouth. You insist that the teachers don't teach but you can't teach children that roam the halls and refuse to go to class which is what alot of them do! Then you say give you vouchers to attend whereever you choose to send them but...........you have that choice without a voucher! Oh I forgot, you want a voucher so it won't cost you. Well guess what, the kids in private school don't get vouchers. Many parents work 2 or 3 jobs to put their kids in a private school so they are in a learning situation and don't have to deal with the unruly, misfits in the public schools. So if you have a student that you don't want in public school, then work your butt off and put them in a private school, but YOU have to pay taxes for the public school AND your private school tuition! You folks are all about Freebies. And it really boils down to those pushing for the students be back in school now either just don't care about this deadly virus that your kids and staff can be exposed to to YOU NEED A BABYSITTER! Teachers are not your babysitter!

  72. Full Distance learning forever I hope! I do not want my kid going to any Wicomico County Schools ever again! What a GHETTO project it has become! Worthless teachers also!

  73. Schools out for Summer! Schools out FOREVER!!


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