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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Inquiring Minds Want To Know....

What about the employees that risked their lives to service these business owners and customers and ultimately lose their jobs for getting sick.


  1. They got 3-5 mill from PPP . They will all be paid or Layton will get that converted to a loan. I want to know how he claimed they have over 250 employees in late April and got so much money based on that fact. I figured they only had that many people in the dead of summer. If that is the case they will be paying portions back as a loan.

  2. Have any of the bars on this list reopened yet?

  3. As hard up as everyone is for help, I’m quite sure nobody is losing their job.

  4. Only closing for one night???

    Aren't they special....

  5. So, why isn't the whole place closed for two weeks like every other place that has a positive?

  6. Also, lets clarify. They tested positive but may not be sick. Most people that I know who have tested positive have had little to no symptoms.

  7. Everyone has said this was gonna happen. No way is leighton gonna close if the entire staff gets infected. He’ll continue to roll in on his boat, pick up the cash and party on.

  8. We've all had it, with or without symptoms.

    It's OVER.

    Mask makers disclaim ANY effectiveness to prevent it.

    The death rate is under 1/2% overall.

    So you get the sniffles.

    Get back to work.

  9. 8:48. Exactly right. Also, just because you test positive doesn’t mean you are sick.

  10. Send them to nursing homes like Commons did to keep them from talking!

  11. If we had not locked down in the first place our numbers would be dropping not rising. Hiding from it is only prolonging the inevitable. I’m starting to hear from friends that have to gone to be tested and left after long waits without getting the test are getting calls that their test came back positive. They left WITHOUT having the test performed. Life as we knew it is over. The “bottle brush” test is out of date at this point and inaccurate. There are new tests that test for the virus and the antibodies and only require a pin prick and are ready with results while you wait but we here in Maryland will continue to use the antiquated tests that can’t differentiate between active and inactive covid cells until they are all gone because good ole’ Larry paid for them with our money already. But he’s telling us he is doing a great job so he must be doing a great job right?

    1. Sorry but you're full of crap

  12. These positive but non symptomatic people can still infect others that they are in contact with. You don't want them working with the general public

  13. Clean and sanitize? Have you ever been in the bathrooms of that place? The whole place if filthy! I had a card. Threw it away. I won’t set foot in that filthy place. The food sucks! There is some sort of police action every single night. Fights, sex assaults just read the paper. People come out of that place like they’re in a coma from over pouring. No one says a word. Why? Because someone is lining the governments pockets. Oh it’s great! Even Jamaica isn’t that dirty and poor. You could probably go there for what it costs for a big night out in the midtown trash dump.

  14. We've all been exposed at some point in time. There's no way anyone hasn't been. I'm sorry people have passed but that happened every day in "regular" times. We need to move on, es6since we didn't close down for 6 weeks like every other Country, and do it safely. We need to get back to a real way of life in this new normal, even if that means masks and washing our hands!

  15. What do you expect ? No one taking this serious , no social distancing or proper mask wearing .


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