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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Ignored by the Media and Dr. Fauci: Nearly Twice as Many Children and Young Adults Died from Flu than from China Coronavirus in Past Year

Most US schools have been closed since March due to the Wuhan Coronavirus.

Democrats want to keep the schools closed.
They say its because of coronavirus.
But it’s only because of politics.

So far this year, via the CDC— since February, there have been 226 deaths of children and young adults under age 24 in the United States caused by coronavirus or possibly linked to coronavirus.



  1. I'm just glad it's officially weakening.

  2. While this may be the norm for most. Some children or parents suffer from other underlying medical conditions that make them either more susceptible to getting COVID or have a harder time getting over it. The fact that Worcester just had a custodian and teacher test positive and the former succumb to the illness. Means that the public school system is potentially the next breeding ground for this thing over the next school season. The social experiment of the South and Ocean City are starting to prove that this thing reeks of a man made biological weapon that doesn't follow the normal pattern of seasonal flu. It lives on surfaces for days and effects several critical organs long after symptoms have left. Just let those that want to get it get it and the rest of us survive to return to normal.

  3. 1146
    Don't worry.
    It isn't weakening because it doesn't exist.

    Completely fake

    Believe nothing the government or MSM tells us

  4. I would agree if the medical society would only list Covid deaths when there was no underlying illness. A friend had two forms of stage four cancer and it was ruled a covid death. These numbers are not factual and financial gain is to blame. Take the overall all number of Americans that died last year. It is not that far off from this at this point and time. Something very fishy with the math. Somebody is getting rich off of this hype. If this is the death sentence they portray it to be they would never allow thousands to riot and hang in the streets. Common sense and good hygiene should always be practiced pandemic or no pandemic.

  5. This clown says one thing one day. Then the complete opposite the next day. Just go away already.


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