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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

How Bad Are the Portland Riots? On-the-Ground Footage Provides an Insight

Saturday night marked the 50th straight day that "protests" have taken place in Portland, Oregon. These so-called protests were labeled a riot late Saturday night as people – which looks to be a combination of Antifa and Black Lives Matter – demolished federal buildings and set fire to the Portland Police Association Headquarters building.



  1. They want to keep schools closed in Portland so people can riot ?

  2. Prediction: after the city is completely trashed they will turn around and ask the federal government for $$$$ to clean it up. And you know what I say: PHUKEM

  3. Why are they not using tear gas instead of smoke grenades? News states they are gassing these rioters. They are wrong and it is all fake news. If they were gassing them then they would not be standing in it. Gas would be making their body functions release from sinuses to what ever. Every body reacts different but still they would be heading for water and would not be able to stand in the smoke with these fake mask.

    I know I had to go through tis training.

    1. Agreed, the riot-grade good stuff can put you on the ground and even make you puke.

  4. Let their communities burn there more than half way there. It will be like Ferguson it will burn and turn in to ghost town and then they want it rebuilt. Let it be nothing but tumbleweeds floating in the wind. Just down right stupid, must be the drinking water.

  5. Do we really care anymore what happens in Oregon?

    Nuff sh*t going on in these parts than caring about Oregon. Prez has it under control with LEOs, lets focus on waiting for the Route 50 bridge to break down again.

    (snicker snicker)

  6. 10:32
    Thank you for the info
    I thought it was fake as well

  7. Why don't they use water cannons? Wouldn't that be effective in breaking up crowds?

    1. Yes, Water Cannons are Awesome

    2. Water cannons are considered racist. And so are dogs. But I’m glad there not using dogs because the dogs could get hep- c and AIDS from biting those losers.

  8. Time to start kicking asses and taking names. These anarchists have to be stopped.

  9. Why don't they use phasers set on stun?

  10. When is enough enough? Simple fix really. Get the fire departments all around the city to ride around and disperse these crowds as they see them with their water cannons. They won't kill those people, but they hurt like hell.


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