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Sunday, July 19, 2020

Hillary Clinton says the United States must 'be ready' for the possibility that Donald Trump will not 'go quietly' from the White House if he loses in November and may blame mail-in votes

Hillary Clinton has said the United States needs to 'be ready' for the possibility thatDonald Trump will refuse to leave the White House if he loses in November's election.

Speaking to Trevor Noah on Monday night's episode of The Daily Show, Clinton said she could not rule out voter suppression and foreign interference in this year's vote.

Noah asked whether he may attempt, if he loses, to claim that the election was illegitimate and blame mail-in voting.



  1. The United States must be ready for the reality that loser Clinton will nto go away.

  2. Sadly, I'd have to agree with her. He has proven he has interest in not being limited to 2 terms even. He's already used military force against his own citizens.

    1. Absolute moronπŸ‘†

    2. Laughable really. The answer couldn't be let them do what they do, right? Must be some order and if the local level fails to respond, it should be EXPECTED a response will be provided no matter. In not for total control of the people, but I'm darn sure not for lawlessness neither.

    3. You’re completely insane @11:06

  3. The irony is most Trump supporters would be fine with that but fail to see that it's an erosion of democracy.

    1. You realize this is fantasy to whip up paranoia amount their brain dead cult followers @11:06 you must be one

  4. Listen fat failed one. Don’t assume the POTUS would conduct himself in a demeaning manner as you would. But first of all, he will not leave until his second term is over. Get it fat one. Stop crying, it’s been four years. Not very becoming.

  5. Oh, like Hillary went quietly when she was trounced in the last election? Hahahahahahahahahahaha

  6. Sounds like she already knows the reason of the mail in voting!

  7. Geez!! When is she going to go away!

  8. Oh Flubbary, your voice has no meaning, anyone associated with you and Bill are...well...dead.

    Go lay down, its nap time!

  9. That's what all the phony poll business is all about. The dems are trying to lay the ground work for a phony mail in election so they can pretend it was legitimate

  10. Why can't this dizzy bitch just STFU?? Why can't Bill Barr do his job and lock her up?? She is the most corrupt individual on this Earth. Nobody cares what she says. Her book your told us that.

  11. Well it is possible that all the Democrates will have their cats and dogs voting.😑

    1. plus the 130,000+ covid dead will be voting by mail.

  12. Isn’t it time to give up the Hillary character?
    This actor doesn’t even resemble Hillary prior to the Sept 11, 2016 event. The first one (on the sidewalk that day) was soundly rejected. The second one was the Vegas impersonator who played Hillary very well.

    I suppose she didn’t want to continue in the role?

    1. 11:57
      I agree
      This person is a Hillary look-a-like

  13. She's the one with all the excuses for loosing the election she has never accepted reality, and is responsible for the death of 4 Americans blood on her hands and still wants additional media time daily. Joe Biden and her are the real pair together they are not a whole person.

  14. Yes; when a dead for a long time cat gets a ballot...I think I would wonder. When people go to vote in a district as a Republican and are told they are listed as DEMS on the register and Can't Vote...I think I would Wonder...hmmmmm. AND Hillary is still debating how she LOST bigly in 2016...Get over it already.

  15. She is aware that the mail in ballots are ripe for fraud. That’s why the Dems are promoting them.

  16. "We know he's going to call us out for cheating."


  17. Thats because the democrats are planning a fraudulent election then expect the president to just go along with it.

  18. Isn't she the smartest ever , mail in votes will be counted numerous times and inspected . He has that right .

  19. You mean how she's been reluctant to come to terms with the fact she lost and her husband won...twice. Three times if you count the one thing...

  20. You mean like her? She sure as hell hasn't gone quietly or any other kind of way. She's as bad as Obama, always rearing his ugly head.

  21. Mail in ballots aren't "ripe for fraud." The military and overseas expats have been voting by mail for years. I voted absentee by mail throughout college and did so in the last election. Anyone pro voter ID shouldn't have an issue with vote by mail. You need to apply for a mail in ballot, prove your identity and registration, then sign your envelope when you mail it in (with a signature matching your driver's license). We've already been voting by mail for decades. They know how to keep it secure.

    1. Whole lot of overseas votes didn't get counted last time. Got held up they were afraid they were voting for Trump

    2. Oh but it is ripe for fraud. Absentee ballot is requested by the voter. Massive mail ballots are different.

    3. Gullible comes to mind. And you did all the correct procedures in voting, but do you know what happen on the other end after you mailed it. Sure they know how to keep it secure. Thing you are leaving out is will they keep it secure. With the past proving how damorats cheat, I sure doubt they will keep it secure.

  22. Read between the Lines the democrats thought they had the election in the bag last time because they cheat... just like Gore and hanging chads BS

  23. Mailing in voting can work both ways!!!! President Trump will even win the populous vote with these mail in ballots???

  24. Him go quietly? You better get ready for the grassroots right wing. We're not living under a marxist government so that's that. Pick your side because the wars coming.

  25. ha ha that's a good one. Hillary would not, did not leave the Whitehouse with Slick Willy without grabbing and stealing everything that wasn't nailed down. So don't think she would go quietly. Trump is not a thief like Hillary was and still is. She would not work for free like he does either. The 2 biggest thieves of property of the people Hillary Clinton and Martin O'Malley. He also robbed the people blind before leaving the peoples house in Nap town. deemed valuable antiques as junk and got it all for yardsale prices. Damned thief.

  26. I think the Donald has many other nice houses to move into if he looses. He has already answered this question and said he'd leave. These type of stories make me shake my head.

  27. Did she just have a senior moment? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  28. Keep it up with the limp what-ifs pretending to be jump scares. You've been doing it since Trump declared he'd run 4 years ago and it's really stale. As for the "clear and convincing evidence" to impeach, it was over two years of expensive stupidity with NOTHING to show for it except bad circus theatrics that would have been booed off a vaudeville stage. And Hillary, you paid for the fake dossier that started Russiagate, using DNC dollars from contributions to your campaign and those stolen from Bernie Sanders' DNC earmarked funds.

  29. Don't Worry He WON't be Leaving !!! LOL LOL MAGA 2020 !!!

  30. It will be Pelosi who won't go quietly 2020 !!!!


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