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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Here's What We've Come To Learn While Moderating Comments On SBYNews.com

During the day the majority of the comments are liberal, but in the evening and night they are the very conservative! That tells me that the Democrats are at home sitting on their butts while the republicans work and they don't have time to comment until they get home!


  1. Possibly true but I wouldn’t bet on your theory.

  2. The libtards also have all day to go protest. Makes them appear to be a much larger percent of the community than they really are.

  3. I've noticed an uptick in liberal comments as of late. Actually they are pretty entertaining. It's hard to believe some people have absurd views. Must be Sciencetology cult in the shore.

    1. Sciencetology??? Maybe you mean Scientology? Typical for the type of people that support trump. Fools

    2. You go that bullistic for a typo? Dude, have another slug of that Kool aid

    3. You showed your skirt stay at home lib. Hahahaba

  4. Lol liberals have the ability to multi-task while conservatives can only type on their phones using their pointer finger while seated after a long day of remembering how to breathe.

    1. 1048am again proving the point here.

  5. Same as the protesters, and those "Million" marches on DC. Republican's work while the rest do nothing to make America Better!

  6. If they were home sitting on their butts wouldn't they be able to comment all day...? Classic conservative wisdom, thinking only in A or B, black or white.

    1. Your not too bright I guess.


  7. Interesting observation. I'd say I tend conservative but time to read or comment varies during the day.

    I'll also share that in past couple of months the site is very slow to load; not happening with other sites I frequent. Did something change on your end? DSL, Duck Duck, Firefox, Win 10 in use. Just sharing.

  8. @10:00 Scientologists are by and large conservatives. Scientology seeks to "correct" homosexuality, are notoriously anti-drugs, and are dead set against paying taxes.

  9. Love your observation. I’m a retired conservative here during working hours. I put in some 41 years of all shifts so I guess this conservative you might say is entitled. Keep up the great job, although some post are so disheartening I have got to the point of skipping them. (Defund police...blm crap.....libs slamming our good president...etc. Thanks

  10. yep.
    Also just to let you know that I usually google Salisbury News and your site is number 1 that comes up. Today I could not find your site anywhere until I typed in 'what happened to Salisbury News'....then it appeared about number 5. I was worried Joe. I thought they threw you out.

    1. Had the same problem,what's up?

  11. Actually the Republicans all have hangovers from drinking the Trump kool-aid and are not moving around yet

    1. Where do you work?? Oh that's right. Checks in the mail from Mommy and daddy.

  12. It's not a hoax, you're just an idiot. 50 hospitals in FL no longer have open vent beds. Why is it a red state being hit so hard if it's a hoax? BECAUSE YOU'RE A MORON who lives in the armpit of Maryland so your idea of exposure to the outside world is going to Walmart for some tater tots.

    1. Nasty! Really Nasty! Unfortunately 100% true!

    2. Hey man,don't hate on my tater tots.

  13. Joe it could also be that the Soros paid trolls only work during the day.

    They are easy to spot. Always trying to argue that the sky is not blue.

  14. Could not locate on goggle after years. Went in on being. They trying block you?

  15. Could not locate on goggle after years. Went in on bing. They trying block you?

  16. Joe,

    Maybe its just me, but when I did a Google search for SBYnews, there were no results.

    Now, I frequently clear the cache, but this is the first time this has happened and as a dedicated reader and supporter I wanted to bring it to you attention.

    Maybe nothing. Maybe Google.


  17. Perhaps another reason is that Liberals have NO work ethics (or any ethics for that matter) and abuse their work computers for personal use, whereas Conservatives respect their jobs and wait till they get home from work. BTW....I'm able to comment during the day because I am a retired Conservative.

  18. 10:55 AM - had the same problem about ten days ago. Windows 10 was having issues. All good after running Windows 10 update.

  19. @10:51am

    You just did at 10:51AM. Not working today?????

  20. Most are government workers getting paid to sit home.

  21. I comment quite often if I think Ihave something to add or thoughts that may help. Since I’m retired I don’t work just house work, gardening and stuff, and I’m definately a Republican and support Trump. My blog input is rarely at night. So I don’t fit the exact mode, and I imagine those with young children do it when they have the time.

  22. You hit the nail on the head, Sir!

  23. Absolutely right. Those of us who work all day aren't able to call out the stupid until later in the evening when we get home from work. ;)

  24. Anecdotal hearsay. I'd like a breakdown of the methodology for review.

  25. I'm collecting $1030.00 per week sitting at home, laid off, and I don't even have to look for a job during the coronavirus "emergency." And I'm as conservative and Republican as they get. I comment day and night. Those "stats" mean nothing. My comments can "appear" liberal or conservative. It depends on the mindset and biases of the reader how they are interpreted.

  26. Scientologists are libertarians.


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