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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Grants Recently Awarded Wicomico County Local Management Board

The Wicomico County Local Management Board has recently been awarded three grants.

A grant from the Maryland State Department of Education in the amount of $25,000 was awarded for 2021 Preschool Development from birth through five year old children. The grant is designed to improve the early childhood system by building upon existing federal, state and local early care and learning.

A $2,000 grant from the Community Foundation of the Eastern Shore Emergency Housing Response COVID-19. This will help families with children that are at risk of being evicted from hotels/motels and to assist with job placement and rapid housing needs.

The U.S Department of Justice (DOJ) awarded a grant in the amount of $58,008 for Virus Emergency Supplement Funding. This grant will develop a mobile application to address prevention, preparing for and responding to coronavirus. It will be used to pay overtime, personal protective equipment for staff while dealing with the pandemic.


  1. Why was there a grant from MD State Dept of Education, since there is no school. Waste of money. Teachers do not want togo to class they should not be paid. The BOE wants to keep schools closed then they should not be paid.

    They believe their paycheck for refusing to do the job they were hired for then no money should be used / given to the BOE.

    Where is my tax rebate they I have to pay for Children's education that BOE / Teachers Union are refusing to conduct?

  2. More money for this crowd. Talk about pissing in the wind.

  3. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Michelle Bradley is trying to make herself relevant! What a wasted position in the county.

  4. lovely more money down the sewer. All I know is if school dont start up this fall I want my tax money back! no school no money!

  5. What a freaking JOKE!

  6. That $25,000 for Preschool Development will be spent in less time than it takes to read this sentence. Strangely enough, it's nearly exactly the wage of someone working full-time at $13 per hour with zero benefits.

  7. This was an early education grant which goes to child care not public schools so apparently you did not read the grant or watch the meeting.


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