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Thursday, July 02, 2020

Freshman Dem 'squad' members join forces in new campaign fundraising effort

The four Dems will refuse to take money from police unions

The four freshmen "squad" members have united in a new joint fundraising effort to help each other win another term and elect more like-minded progressives to disrupt Congress.

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y.; Ilhan Omar, D-Minn.; Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., announced their new "Squad Victory Fund" Wednesday on social media and urged their supporters to give money to keep their fight for bold, progressive change alive.

The squad, on the forefront of the defunding the police movement, said they will ban taking any money from the police union in an apparent effort to further stand their ground on calls to dismantle police departments in the wake of George Floyd's death.

"Our movement is for justice," Omar tweeted in announcing the fund. "Our movement is for equality. Our movement is for peace. And our movement is for a better future. Proud to partner with my sisters in service to launch the Squad Victory Fund."



  1. Bahahahahahahahaha. They are clueless.

  2. Soros and his tech giant buddy’s is all they need.

  3. I guess they are right because what police union would offer anything to that crowd of trash. Purrrr trash

  4. I don't think they have to worry about getting donations from the police union.

  5. For young people they seem to be behind politically thinking. Who is Floyd? Squad victory Fund. Heard AOC refused to pay her Democrat fund which is required by all Democrats. All about the money - isn't that correct AOC. Pay your taxes.

  6. Their foot is in the door, wait for worse to come. Weak-willed pols will let it happen, just watch.

  7. All four of these trashy whores would look right at home on the Jerry Springer show. Seriously, is that the best non-human liberal vermin can produce??


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