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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Executive Bob Culver Announces Acceptance of $18.1 Million CARES Act Grant Salisbury-Ocean City: Wicomico Regional Airport

The U. S. Department of Transportation's Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recently extended a Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) grant offer with a maximum obligation of $18,120,304 to the Salisbury-Ocean City: Wicomico Regional Airport. With the approval of Resolution No. 47-2020 on July 7, 2020, the Wicomico County Council authorized the County Executive to accept the grant award. On July 9, 2020, the grant agreement was fully executed.

The purpose of the grant is to maintain safe and efficient airport operations. The grant funds are available for a period of four years and can be used to help offset a severe decline in revenues resulting from diminished airport operations and activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Passenger counts at the airport have fallen significantly along with related revenues because of COVID-19. The airport will utilize funding for allowable operational and maintenance expenses as well as infrastructure repairs, improvements, and development projects that FAA determines eligible under the grant.

With the acceptance of the grant, Wicomico County and the airport agree to terms and conditions outlined in the grant agreement. These terms and conditions ensure that grant funds are spent appropriately, proper financial reporting and auditing is maintained, and other special conditions are adhered to.

Wicomico County extends its gratitude to Senator Cardin and Senator Van Hollen for supporting this much needed relief.


  1. Didn't you post this already?

  2. Bailout to a worthless need. The airport offers just under 20 flights a day, and you get to choices in destination, philly and charlotte. Consistantly unreliable on flight departures, and for that reason alone, business trips must start at BWI. This is Federal tax money, your money, being delivered by the Dems, and will almost all go to salaries. Why would you spend any money on the local airport that has no passengers to service? $18 mil gone

    1. You’re exactly right. An absolute waste of tax payers money. When I read of the few other CARES grants received by eastern shore nonprofits, small business and restaurants, some receiving well under $100,000 and some receiving nothing at all, $18,000,000 for the SBY Airport makes me sick.

    2. The airport has nothing to do with destinations. It is the airlines that decide were and when to go.

    3. 20 flights a day??? Piedmont Airlines is now flying only 4 r/t flights a day and don’t look for an increase back to normal operations anytime soon. In fact, it is no secret that American Airlines is hinting of its plans to shrink that airline into profitability by furloughing several tens of thousands and shutting down Piedmont Airlines.

  3. I thought it was called Salisbury airport?

  4. Bob Culver, Bailout the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office first you nimrod! As usual you have NO clue on what you are doing!?!> Need a new building!

  5. Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver needs to announce his resignation and step down! He is in no shape to continue making important decisions for this great county.

  6. Bob Culver BE GONE!

  7. No no no...Come on, upgrades are needed so when Trump returns instead of flying in like he did 4 years ago in his 757 airplane, the 747 can land instead.

    Priorities folks...Priorities!!!

    $18M....good grief

    (NO snicker snicker)

  8. Now if we only had someone in the County to actually know how best to use this grant.......

  9. Infrastructure repairs. Hasn't this been going on before the virus. I thought this Cares plan was to help tie a business over monetarily until you could get operational again. Didn't the airport receive taxpayers monies recently. WTH

  10. Personally I always use the local SBY airport! Saves me time to not have to travel to Phila, Balt or Norfolk...granted the choices are limited, but I'd much rather have that than nothing at all. I can fly back at night, and still be home at a reasonable hour, unlike the trek from a 2.5 hour away airport, where you either risk falling asleep at the wheel, or have to spend money for a hotel room.

  11. I asked the new airport manager how many people are flying out of the airport and he said none, zero, zilch, nada!!

    What a freaking waste of our tax dollars!

  12. Everyone saying Bob be gone you really mean Wayne

  13. Bob can Die and Wayne be fired! How about that??


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