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Thursday, July 09, 2020

EPIC TUCKER CARLSON: Can the Left Lead a Country they Hate? (VIDEO)

There is not a single voice on television recently that has a better grasp on American culture and current affairs than Tucker Carlson.

Tucker Carlson’s opening monologue is something you dare not miss.

On Monday night, after another weekend of leftist rioting, statue destruction and verbal assaults on this country and its citizens, Tucker Carlson asked the obvious question on the modern day left — Can they lead a country they hate?

Today’s Democrat Party is not just satisfied with talking down the country, they want to replace it with some sort of Marxist state. This should frighten anyone who has ever read a book on 20th century failed states.



  1. A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.

  2. Agree. The radical left is he!! bent on destroying from within. Our democracy and the constitution are at stake. We need not stick our heads in the sand; this is not going away. Conservatives, Democrats, and Independents need to rise up and stand strong. As a conservative Trump gets under my skin too from time to time, but, he has changed the country for the better wresting control back from China and taking a hard line with Russia.

    1. “taking a hard line with Russia.”....Please don’t post after drinking and taking prescription medication!

    2. Hahahahaha Drinking at 8:17 AM. You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning.

  3. Tucker came from CNN and wore a bow tie every night.
    I'm sorry, something IS fishy here.

    RINO comes to mind. BANDWAGON is another.

    Wolf in sheep's clothing.
    And so on.

    Just sayin!

    1. You don't seem to be paying attention.

  4. Trump is a moron and only idiots think he's a real leader. 130,000+ dead, alienated our allies, economy is crap, racial division at it's worse, American division at an all time high.....won't show his taxes, obstructs and blocks, lies every day, and idiots still believe in him. Pathetic

  5. How many democrats on here can honestly say they would vote for Biden and others who want to defund the police?

  6. Anonymous said...
    Trump is a moron and only idiots think he's a real leader. 130,000+ dead, alienated our allies, economy is crap, racial division at it's worse, American division at an all time high.....won't show his taxes, obstructs and blocks, lies every day, and idiots still believe in him. Pathetic.

    Before the fake virus the economy was at an all time high! For everyone! Blacks, whites, Latinos. So you are blaming Trump for what happened? He blocked people from China at the start yet the Dems called him racist for that and still wanted group functions to go on. And who cares about his taxes? I want to see every Anonymous said...
    Trump is a moron and only idiots think he's a real leader. 130,000+ dead, alienated our allies, economy is crap, racial division at it's worse, American division at an all time high.....won't show his taxes, obstructs and blocks, lies every day, and idiots still believe in him. If he has to show his taxes then every politition has to show theirs. Love to see Pelosi's and Schumers. TRUMP 2020!


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