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Friday, July 17, 2020

Disturbing video shows teens beating pregnant mom, kicking toddler

A group of teens pummeled a pregnant Illinois mom — and even drop-kicked her helpless tot — during a caught-on-video brawl, according to footage and reports.

The disturbing confrontation circulating on Twittershowed two young women attacking the woman as she stood with her young daughter outside a home Friday in the village of Brooklyn.

Two of the girls are seen in the footage attacking the woman, pulling her hair and pushing her to the ground.

A third girl filmed the attack on the mom, who is pregnant, The Sun reported.

As the group clobbered the mom, a teen boy suddenly ran over and kicked the toddler in the head, the report said.

He then proceeded to stomp on the mother’s head, as she struggled on the ground.

The mom of the teen boy defended him on her Facebook, claiming the tot kick was an “accident,” the Mirror reported.



  1. I’m going to take a shot in the dark and say the victims were of non black skin and terrorist were black? race is not mentioned so I would assume

  2. They aren’t “teens”. That’s the new diversion adjective.
    They are black thugs beating a white woman. Call it what it is.
    A racist attack by black animals.
    We have allowed this disrespect. It’s going to have to stop least we become their slaves.

  3. The video and article are truly disturbing and reflect the fact that we live among animals. Animals now run the farm and it is being allowed AND encouraged by idiot politicians. The idiot politicians are our fault as voters--or lack of voters. What is truly disturbing is that this type of news is becoming routine and expected when news of the day is checked. The shock of this type of news no longer has any emotion attached to it other than another day in paradise!!! Very sad. Very unnecessary. More than anything, it is very frightening.

  4. Out of control. This is so disgusting I can't express words without being labeled. These "kids" have lost all respect; okay blame the system...they have no hope and see no light at the end of the tunnel. They are born into poverty and no nothing else. They have no mentors to guide the way and only derelict parents and family who are addicted and only know how to scam. So, so sad.

  5. Funny how the mom defends her son for kicking the baby in the head. She says “he didn’t mean to kick the bay. He was trying to jump over the baby and onto the lady’s head. Accidents happen”. Really? That’s your defense. So..it’s ok that he was trying to jump on the lady’s head? Funny how “accidents happen” isn’t acceptable when a police officer makes a mistake. Disgusting.

  6. Parents are the crust of this problem along with our governments support of the single family welfare system. More baby daddies get bigger prizes. We have strayed so far from the morals of father knows best and leave it to beaver. So as we see today we are reaping the rotten fruits the lack of morals has sown
    Selfish luciferian principles dominate our environment today its very sad

    1. They are not parents. Breeders at best, and blacks wonder why they are viewed by some as subhuman?

  7. Worst than wild animals

    1. When wild animals gang up on their prey it is for food.
      These heathens (calling them animals is an insult to wild animals) do this for fun and entertainment.
      Watching Discovery Channel or Animal Planet is at least educational!

  8. Arm up white people, it's coming.

  9. Normal behavior for 12% of the 13%

  10. He wouldn't kick a baby, according to his Mother, but he did, and then proceeded to kick a pregnant woman. Real nice job of parenting there Mom.

  11. Don't waste your time looking for the video. You already know the race...

  12. Does anyone have a question about why Federal Troops were needed in Portland and other Cites??? Send them everywhere but New York!! Put an end to this crap fast.....don’t forget your conceal carry, bust a cap on them!!

  13. Northwest Woodsman: I need not read any further than the headline. I already stereotyped and know the narrative. Anyone else with me?

  14. 2 adults and a 14 year old have been charged! Thank God! This needs to stop!

    1. Slap on the wrist and off you go. Nothing will happen.

  15. Put the correct title on this article, "Black" Teens.

  16. They don’t and won’t know what hit them when this chit turns around on their sorry selves.

  17. What sort of action can be widely and effectively accomplished to stop this kind of behavior of a population of large numbers within the 13%?

    Answer: nothing that the Left will accept. And don't wait for them to do anything but promote and intensify Plantation Politics and throw more money at programs and policies proven pathetically poor.🤷‍♂️

  18. Its a lose lose scenario. Why?

    Disruption due to XXXX - we pay.
    Demand justice - we pay.
    They are children (teens) give them a chance - we pay.
    Put them in jail - we pay.
    Ignore it - we pay.

    How can change really be made - when WE are always paying?

    No really - we pay no matter what and everyone knows it.


  19. And Nick Cannon in his rant about being a Black Hebrew, who were the chosen people of God, before the Jews stole their identity also went off on whites.
    He says that because of the lack of melanin in their skin, THEY are savages. White people are savages. The only savages I have seen are depicted here in this video. A pile of blacks going after one person and when the person is down they kick them in the head, stomp on their head, and now even kick babies. But I guess that is better than shooting babies as they have been doing lately. And yet, we are the savages. Yeah, right.

  20. It should read, Disturbing video shows BLACK teens ATTACKING AND beating UNARMED WHITE pregnant mom, kicking toddler. Clearly a racist attack. We need to put a stop to these animals. How much more proof do you all need they are a danger to society?


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