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Thursday, July 09, 2020

Daily Coronavirus Deaths in U.S. Continue to Plummet as Confirmed Cases Hit Record Levels

Coronavirus-linked deaths across the U.S. continued on a downward trend as of Monday afternoon, even after the country hit historic levels in the number of new confirmed cases late last week, a Breitbart News analysis of the seven-day average of fatalities showed.

Health experts have warned about the lag between infection identification and death that could take weeks or more, which means the fatalities could increase down the road. The current spike in the number of cases intensified almost three weeks ago around mid-June.

A moving average of cases and deaths reported each day provides a clearer picture of the COVID-19 (coronavirus disease) pandemic because the daily numbers tend to fluctuate.

As of Monday, the seven-day average of deaths in the United Statescontinued to plunge, according to data maintained by the COVID-Tracking Project, the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington, USAFacts.org, Worldometer, and even the New York Times.

Our daily update is published. Six states (AR/CT/KS/KY/NH/RI) did not report by our publish time today. Based on past numbers, it looks like many more states reduced testing and reporting over the holiday weekend.

42.5K new cases today. 654K new tests. 209 deaths reported.pic.twitter.com/gqOJHAKu5u

— The COVID Tracking Project (@COVID19Tracking) July 5, 2020

Last Sunday (July 5), the U.S. recorded a historically low single-day number of fatalities (over 200), below any other day since late March,data from the COVID-Tracking Project showed, echoing figures by Worldometer.



  1. Deaths lag hospitalizations by 14-21 days and the younger group currently affected will also have reduced mortality. That being said most third world countries are handling the pandemic much better than the US. A product of better leadership.

    1. You are correct. Too many damorats resisting our great leader.

  2. 758 and smaller populations too. USA has 50 states, some with pops bigger than many countries impacted.

    Exactly right, a product of better leadership indeed.

    The Script says a national plan is right around the corner, outlining the way ahead as well as guidance for the states. A national plan will work, not 50 states doing whatever.

    I get it, states have control...constitution, Bill of rights, Declaration of Independence, Legislative, Judicial and Executive branches of gov't. Blah Blah Blah.

    National emergency (yes we are still in a national emergency) requires a national plan and guidance for states.

    Nothing will be taken away from any of us. There are too many of us to allow that to happen anyways.

    According to the USDebtClock.org ~330 Million folks (US population) and counting!

  3. Now how is this true if, what they kept saying all up to this point that the cases are spiking, so how can cases be spiking but going down at the same god damn time??? And yet you morons still think our rights should be taken over this!!!! You people are the best god damn slaves that would even put the real true slaves to shame!!!!!

  4. 9:16 wow you are really and truly a special kind of stupid aren't you??? They took your rights away you moron, as they deny you entry to necessities without wearing a mask that the doctors them god damns elves said won't save you!!!! They took away your rights when they forced you to stay inside or you get jailed or fined!!!! They took your rights away when they forced you to close your business!!!! They took your rights when they said you can only if they let you and at a certain capacity!!!! They took yuor money by forcing everything closed so most people couldn't work and some bushiness had to shutter their doors never to open again!!!! Last I check you moron, YOU DID THE EXACT THING YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T LET HAPPEN yet here we are!!!! So tell me again how they won't take anything, becasue you are many??? They already did you retarded monkey!!!! There is nothing for them to take, they already did it and guess what???? YOU LET THEM, so shut the f' up you slave!!!!!!

  5. 7:58 and 9:16. What would be better leadership? What esteemed scientists and doctors should we be getting our info from? Seems to me the elite CDC and WHO have gotten it all wrong. Fauci is worthless. You have to admit that the real numbers are fake.

  6. Please 7:58 and 9:16. You sound like a couple of imbeciles. Why is it you people always need the government to tell you what to do? Try using your head for once in your life though it's doubtful you people even have working brains. It's not rocket science. Wash hands keep hands from face, limit going out wear a mask if you want to.
    This is not some deadly virus that needs a plan much less a national one. It's behaving like every single other virus and infection. All of them have the same potential to be not only deadly but to affect other parts of the body.
    One of the major reasons hospitalizations and/or deaths are going down has everything to do with hydroxychloroquine being prescribed. Prescriptions for this drug are up 2000 percent this year.


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