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Thursday, July 09, 2020

Covid-19 Test Results???


  1. If that picture is real I’ll listen to what you say all day. Heyyy

    1. I've seen multiple posts on twitter where this is indeed happening.

  2. On the national level Mike’s in charge. And the prez says that anyone can get a test any time. And the tests are amazing and accurate and you get beautiful results almost immediately. Sounds like you are experiencing some test snafu in a third world country not in America where everything is under control and the virus is going away.

  3. Call Nancy Pelosi's office, because she knows everything and has all of the answers and everyone else is wrong. (202) 225-4965

    Actually, call the Maryland Department of Health, because they're supposed to know it all. 877-463-3464

  4. And if you cannot Get satisfaction then Sue Them Both !

  5. I would call a medicine man....try Elizabeth Warren

  6. Most people have had a common cold (coronavirus).


    It is a government Psyop

    1. Psyop? Geesh, get your head out of the conspiracy theory sandbox and come back to reality.

    2. My eyes are dry and itching, I think I have the covid !!!!

  7. Ask NASCAR driver Jimmy Johnson. Negative one week, positive the next, 2 negatives this week. Go figure? Probably never had it.

  8. These places probably are using ADOLPH HOGAN's Korean test that has never been approved by FDA.

  9. covid 19 is a bunch of BS , it is the flue and the media has blown it way out of proportion.

    1. 5:31 - absolutely correct. It’s not like covid 19 is 25 times more deadly than the regular flu or anything.

  10. Look up Dr. David Agus. He states that our current testing checks for certain covid markers however it can not differentiate believe live and inactive particles so false positives after recovery are common. He says the new and more accurate testing is coming soon. Too late for the many people who don’t know what their real status is and months too late for most of the country given all the confusing and incorrect info. Remember we are learning as we go. And becoming guinea pigs for science as well.

  11. This is exactly why you should avoid the test.

  12. Good grief when a health agency tells you that their tests are only 60 percent accurate, that tells me a lot - like none of this BS is legit. Anyway I believe it's all gonna go away after the election in November. I do agree with statement of call Pelosi, she knows everything. I'm sure you would get some off the wall drunken solution.

  13. I think you are going to need a complete examination and medical work up. what night works best for you? red or white wine?

  14. When its all about Luciferian deception and lies, some will die. Dont drink the kool aid!

    Keep in mind these are dry runs for accepting the mark. will you cave that easy too?

  15. They don't care if you're + or -. 'They' are harvesting your DNA.

    1. Not mine, not getting tested for some bogus ass made up disease not called the flu

  16. Because you retards can't see, that either everyone has this virus or it is fake and the test are fake and everyone will show positive, and does this make any sense to you slaves??? HUH??? You can only go to one testing site and then you have to go else where, and once you test everywhere, where do you go?? Out of state???? And if the test are fake or tainted then you will not ever get a negative test!!!! I have never left my house since all of this crap and I bet you 100k that I would test positive too!!!! They already said they want you to have papers proving you got vaccinated or you can't work, once the vaccine comes out, so why do they have this already ready waiting??? Why was the cares act, you know the covid-19 release bill, why was that started back in 2019??? A year prior to this virus???? Can any of you moronic slaves answer that???? IF you want proof go on the govts website for tacking bills and go f'ing look when the cares act bill was submitted, dec 2019!!!!!! What's dec 2019???? A year from when this virus came out, funny how that works right????? But you slaves don't care, you rather be salves, and just bitch and complain will you sit there and let them do this to you!!!! You people are laughable!!!

    1. I think it's fake too Mr 10:14, and go about my business as best as I can. But why haven't you left your house since all this crap came out.


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