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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Complying With Mask Mandate: As Seen On Facebok

Since I have thought about it overnight I have decided to comply with the mask mandates. After all, I want to be a great Patriot and American and definitely don’t want to be selfish. So if it saves lives I’ll do it. But I need guidance from the experts on here since I am obviously clueless. Please help.


1) After shopping at the local grocery store, do we leave the masks on once we leave or does the virus just stay in the stores?
- If we leave it on, then for how long?
- How many miles can I drive before it is safe to remove the mask?
2) What about my fingers, arms, legs, head, neck, and toes? Should I disinfect them BEFORE or AFTER I remove my mask? After all, they were exposed at the store.
2.1) if I touch my mask do I have to sanitize my hands
2.2) now I contaminated my hand sanitizer bottle. What do I do?
3) When we arrive home from the grocery store do we disinfect the goods and bags BEFORE we bring them inside or AFTER?
- Do I put the mask back on?
4) Once we have the goods inside do we disinfect the entire car or just the trunk?
5) Do we need to disinfect our countertops, pantries, refrigerator, entire kitchen, the dogs (they always sniff the bags) doors we touched, the garage, driveway, and street?
6) What should we do about the food and goods purchased? Do we need to disinfect all these items as well? After all, they were in the grocery store exposed to all these nasty liberal viruses.
7) What should I do with my homemade fancy cloth mask? Do I burn it? It was also exposed to the nasty liberal virus at the store?
😎 What about the clothes I wore to the store? Is disinfecting them ok? Do I disinfect them in the grocery store parking lot or in my garage?
9) What about my eyes? Are there special eye drops I need to take? Where do I get those?
10) After consuming the goods from the store do I need a biohazard bag for the waste? (Both trash and poop)
11) Is the juice and milk I bought safe to drink or should I disinfect it first?
12) Is there a specific shampoo to use if I get a hair cut to disinfect my hair?
13) My meds...what about my meds? Are they safe to orally consume or should I disinfect them too?
14) If I shop at a hardware store should I disinfect each screw, nut, and bolt BEFORE or AFTER I put them in my project?
15) I want to paint my room but I am not sure if I should disinfect the paint BEFORE or AFTER I apply it to the walls.
16) What if I forgot to follow any of the above do I call the fire department, CDC, or psychiatrist?


  1. Thank you and so true
    Got a love it

  2. I'll sit and wait for the answers

  3. lol...great. It does seem to emphasize the point that these rules are ridiculous and overreaching.

  4. All great questions, I've thought about many of them for months, just wasn't able to put them in words like you did. Thanks for exposing the the possibilities of spreading this "liberal" disease.

  5. That person completely missed the reason for wearing masks. Its more so to keep the mask wearer FROM SPREADING it if they are a carrier.

    1. so if they are a carrier is it on their hands clothes car anything they touched same questions just as if you were looking im waiting for the answers also

    2. 2:47
      You are a sad little sheep

  6. 2:47 I haven't seen anybody change to sterile clothes before entering a store

  7. 2:47 finally someone with a brain!!! Thank you!!

  8. Ok 2:47 we got it

  9. STFU you slaves, clearly you don't get it!!!! You are over there praising this guy for writing this, but you are the slaves doing all of what he said and are the same ones who call the cops on people with no mask, and you sure as hell won't stand up for anyone who doesn't wear a mask... Hell you don't even want your rights, won't fight for them or anything so clearly you do't get it.. Der-no-der which way did he go george!!!

    1. Wrong Asswipe, you are the one that does nothing but bitch on this blog. You are the true slave.

  10. masks don't work. masks don't work. look at china they've been wearing them for 50 years

  11. I'll have an adult beverage/beverages and wait for the answer from our Gubner

  12. 2:47

    "That person completely missed the reason for wearing masks."

    It is to condition you for total socialist/communist control when Hiden Biden gets elected.

    There, I fixed that for you.

  13. I am a Trump supporter and I wear a mask.

    1. I am a Trump supporter too but only wear a mask to buy things from stores following that FAT ASS RINO POS hogan's illegal mandates.

  14. Can't wait for the answers...lol. Great post!

  15. And you 2:47 really missed the point. So Place your head back in the sand.


  16. Good points!

    To be a carrier, do I need a specific piece or type of equipment so as not to jostle or damage the contents? Will Chinese slave labor be used to manufacture the logoed versions of these carriers? Can I choose from other slave labor countries as an option?

  17. proven if its not a N95 mask it isnt protecting you or me from anything

  18. The Wuhan virus has answered one question: Do I wash my hands before or after using a public rest room? Answer: Both before AND after.

  19. The only mask you need purchase and prepare to wear is the one of the insurgent. Make a choice because some of us are not going to walk into tyranny complacently so you will fight or you will exist within a warzone.

  20. If masks work, why distance? If distance works, why mask? If masks work, why release prisoners? so many questions, so little time...

  21. What the mask is FOR is if you are asymptomatic but carrying the virus, it minimizes the spread.

    You wear it to stop YOU from spreading it while you are in a public place with other people.

    See! That was so easy! Ya'll are WAY over thinking this.

  22. No wonder the US has more cases and deaths than any other country. Reading these comments and thinking you all have to be about the dumbest bunch of cry babies over wearing a mask that might save someone else's life. You wear a seat belt don't you? I've never seen or heard of bunch of snowflakes screaming about left and right, socialism and communism....over a public health epidemic!!! Obama had a plan of action and avoided, 140,000 deaths and a shut down of the economy. He listened to the professionals and experts something Trump refuses to do. We can't get this ignorant racist out of office soon enough before we have 500,000 dead Americans. You people are just pathetic.

    1. The numbers have been skewed. Where the hell have you been? Listing accident victims as Covid-19 deaths, if you have it when you die but"it" isn't what kills you, Covid-19 death. Miss reporting on the amount of people testing positive. All of the numbers a false.


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