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Friday, July 10, 2020

Commissioners, Law Enforcement Leaders Talk Current Events, Use Of Force Standards

SNOW HILL – County leaders discussed use of force and police training with local law enforcement officials this week.

On Tuesday, the Worcester County Commissioners met with Sheriff Matt Crisafulli, Eastern Shore Criminal Justice Academy Director John Moses and representatives of various other law enforcement agencies to talk about current practices following the death of George Floyd in Minnesota. Officials assured the commissioners that practices were in place in Maryland to ensure officers acted appropriately.

“The death of Mr. Floyd is deeply disturbing and should be of concern to all Americans,” Crisafulli said. “The officers’ actions are inconsistent with the training and protocols of our profession. When we look at incidents in other states, we must understand that each state has different standards for hiring, training and certifying police officers. In Maryland, we have some of the highest standards for training and selection.”

Moses said that in Maryland, law enforcement agencies constantly evolved in response to incidents across the country. He said in the mid-1990s the state stopped endorsing the “knee on the neck” restraint and instead instructed officers to put a knee across a suspect’s back where it doesn’t go across the spine.



  1. Late 90s. Knee in the neck is good to go during felony hand cuffing but a hold position in prone will kill a person on drugs or bad heart. Chest can’t expand enough and person has heart attack. In this particular case it was NOT strangling or choking however diaphragm was constricted, panic, COVID, fentanyl, heroin, meth, pot and sever heart condition adding to the death. Homicide at best but the accused will never get a proper legal team. Does anyone find it odd all 4 cameras have not been released by the state to media? Seems to me if it was racism that caused the cameras would definitely show it. Street eats the street.

  2. No one dies from pot

  3. I call BS on Purnell and her red light comment. Sounds like she's making things up to sound like a victim. Video that next time since it happens so often so you have proof, and then we can play that video of her getting the finger next to TONS of videos of blacks attacking whites violently for no reason at all. There have been many recorded lately in OC alone, not to mention nationally. Like Heiser said, its a two way street. Maybe blacks should send their kids to some academy of sorts to teach them respect, since it doesn't seem like they are learning it at home.

  4. "“The death of Mr. Floyd is deeply disturbing and should be of concern to all Americans,” Crisafulli said."

    Matt Crisaflli, another White Coward! How could you idiots in Worcester County vote for a school resource officer as your Sheriff? You people are STUPID as Hell! Do you know why he was a school resource officer?? Because he is a freaking Coward and too afraid to patrol the streets. Dumb A$$es!

  5. Wait for it...
    "Commissioner Diana Purnell said her concern was that most of the incidents that made the news nationally were related to African Americans."

    Nothing like dropping the race card!


  6. Commissioner Diana Purnell said “I’m out a lot by myself,” she said. “I have been right out on (Route) 50 at the stoplight, young men, sometimes young women, will roll up beside you. They blow their horn, they give me the finger, they call you all kinds of names looking for a reaction.”


    Does anyone believe that white people pull up beside this woman and blow their horn, give her the finger and call her all kinds of names just because she is black? This woman is a racist and she is insane.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Late 90s. Knee in the neck is good to go during felony hand cuffing but a hold position in prone will kill a person on drugs or bad heart. Chest can’t expand enough and person has heart attack. In this particular case it was NOT strangling or choking however diaphragm was constricted, panic, COVID, fentanyl, heroin, meth, pot and sever heart condition adding to the death. Homicide at best but the accused will never get a proper legal team. Does anyone find it odd all 4 cameras have not been released by the state to media? Seems to me if it was racism that caused the cameras would definitely show it. Street eats the street.

    July 10, 2020 at 10:53 PM

    Your statement might make more sense if you knew anything about proper grammar. Can you try rewriting this so we can fully understand it.

  8. Back in the day if a cop beat someone's ass they usually thought twice about doing something stupid again. We need that to come back. How's that for reform?

  9. this entire incident was/is suspect...too many unanswered questions...too many times we have seen 'actors' in the videos...many of us don't believe what we are being fed by the media...

  10. B.S. Matt. You are a liar sir.
    What happened to Floyd is completely consistent with your training. Worc. County officers do this during every apprehension, warranted or not. Subject gets a face plant Body slam, then a knee to the neck head or back usually launched from a jumping position to cause as much damage and pain as possible. No mercy. Subjects get taken in front of the commissioner smelling of their own crap because it was literally squeezed out of them during their police encounter. This particular subject ate part of a French fry during a traffic stop at which time the officer began yelling we got powder, he’s swallowing! That’s When he was ripped out of the car through the window by his neck being choked to stop him from destroying evidence, a partial French fry! Then he was pile driven and the knee came down so hard he crapped himself... Was arrested for resisting being arrested for eating a French fry that a very stupid police officer thought was drugs being concealed.

    1. Someone should teach people how to act while being stopped by the police. You sit there and don't move! Wth is wrong with our society. It's pretty simple

    2. Sounds like a bull crap story on police. Show your evidence or some pieces of feces if you want to be believed.

  11. Street eats Street - nicely worded and so very true.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    this entire incident was/is suspect...too many unanswered questions...too many times we have seen 'actors' in the videos...many of us don't believe what we are being fed by the media...

    July 11, 2020 at 3:25 AM

    What are you talking about? What incident?

  13. Anonymous said...
    B.S. Matt. You are a liar sir.
    What happened to Floyd is completely consistent with your training. Worc. County officers do this during every apprehension, warranted or not. Subject gets a face plant Body slam, then a knee to the neck head or back usually launched from a jumping position to cause as much damage and pain as possible. No mercy. Subjects get taken in front of the commissioner smelling of their own crap because it was literally squeezed out of them during their police encounter. This particular subject ate part of a French fry during a traffic stop at which time the officer began yelling we got powder, he’s swallowing! That’s When he was ripped out of the car through the window by his neck being choked to stop him from destroying evidence, a partial French fry! Then he was pile driven and the knee came down so hard he crapped himself... Was arrested for resisting being arrested for eating a French fry that a very stupid police officer thought was drugs being concealed.

    July 11, 2020 at 8:48 AM

    WTF are you babbling?

  14. Anonymous said...
    Excellent comment thank you

    July 11, 2020 at 8:30 AM

    What comment?

  15. Anonymous
    Street eats Street - nicely worded and so very true.

    July 11, 2020 at 10:23 AM

    Please explain?

  16. Anonymous said...
    Someone should teach people how to act while being stopped by the police. You sit there and don't move! Wth is wrong with our society. It's pretty simple

    July 11, 2020 at 11:38 AM

    Exactly!! 100%

  17. Anonymous said...
    "“The death of Mr. Floyd is deeply disturbing and should be of concern to all Americans,” Crisafulli said."

    Matt Crisaflli, another White Coward! How could you idiots in Worcester County vote for a school resource officer as your Sheriff? You people are STUPID as Hell! Do you know why he was a school resource officer?? Because he is a freaking Coward and too afraid to patrol the streets. Dumb A$$es!

    July 11, 2020 at 2:46 AM

    I agree. Matt has always been a lame as wannabe cop too afraid to actually be a cop. He used to get beat up in school and this is his way of being a tough guy that he isn't. He needs to go back to being a school resource officer.


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