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Friday, July 10, 2020

Catholic Schools, Cut The ‘White Privilege’ Lectures And Teach About Marxism’s Evils

We cannot allow another generation to emerge from our schools so ignorant of communism's horrors that they see no problem in courting, dabbling with, or even passively accepting one of history’s most noxious ideologies.

My child’s Catholic school sent home a letter to parents this week recommending “conversations about white privilege” to encourage “compassionate hearts and confident minds.” Regurgitating the radical-left bile that fuels the fires of resentment and division will not enrich students emotionally or intellectually. Instead, Catholic schools should teach students about the evils of Marxism.

Marxist apostles are orchestrating the chaos and violence plaguing our streets and undermining our self-government. Pope John Paul II once said, “If you want to understand the enemy, you have to know what he has written.” To start, you must know what the enemy has done.



  1. Well if you would STOP supporting the Democratic party you wouldn't have a problem. If you would STOP teaching social justice Democratic agenda you wouldn't have to a problem. If you would increase the curriculum of actual studies of the Catholic Church. You wouldn't have a problem.

  2. Catholic priest are destroying the catholic religion, unless their habits are the catholic agenda.

  3. I was always told CATHOLICISM was a cult. Then I had a change of heart. This again seals the deal as them being a cult. Since they claim to be a religious organization then why getting involved in this communist / ANARCHIST movement?

    What happen to them teaching the value of being a Christian? Why are they not pushing / teaching Christian values and love thy neighbor?

  4. Enough with the Marxism people. It was a theory like ancient Alchemy it was never realized. What we know as Communism hardly existed. They were just Military police states run by the greedy that benefited on the backs of the people. They are now practically Hyper Capitalists beating us at our own game liberating more poor into a consumerist spending class than we have thanks to our own corporate state abandoning us.

  5. Prayers are answered. Amen.

  6. What do you expect from a church that is now fully luciferian.
    Most recent bile from this church state their is No hell its to harsh.
    Catholic church is a big player in the hidden danger of the rainbow agenda. As are many other so called faiths. Now so watered down and removed from the truth and light they are in essence luciferian.
    All of this crap we are seeing today is all about destroying GODS plan for us all. Many churches, governments and sheeple leading the way.

  7. the poope decrees it!


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