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Monday, July 06, 2020

Burgess Owens: America Will See a ‘Renaissance’ with Trump Re-Elected, GOP House

Utah congressional Republican candidate Burgess Owens told Breitbart News Saturday that America will see a “true renaissance” with President Donald Trump re-elected for a second term and a Republican majority in the House of Representatives.

Owens — a former Oakland Raiders safety and Super Bowl champion — recently won Utah’s fourth congressional district primary. The black conservative hopes to unseat freshman swing district Democrat Rep. Ben McAdams.

Owens said that, ahead of the 2020 November elections, that conservatives are fighting for the “soul” of the nation.

“At stake right now, we are fighting for the heart and soul of our nation. And I think it’s more evident today that we have an ideology that is way against our country’s values,” Owens told Breitbart News Saturday host Matthew Boyle.



  1. Yeah a Renaissance like no other. A Renaissance where Republicans fight for fetuses rights to live but not for those already born. Where you can dismiss Trumps relationship with Epstein by saying "Oh but look Bill Clinton knew him too" (Throw them both in jail). Trump supporters are willing to look the other way on morality because Trump hates the same people they do and is willing to do whatever it takes to stay in power.

    1. We will have more beautiful trailer parks than any other nation.

    2. 2:40 Your mom called. Dinners ready ;)

  2. 2:40-You probably are annoying to yourself when you try to have a lucid thought.

  3. 2:40 a major problem with you people is you are liars. President Trump and Epstein were neighbors in Palm Beach. Epstein like most everyone in Palm Beach belonged to the Mar-a-Lago Club. He was a member UNTIL the President recalled him membership because of female employee complaints about him. This before Epstein was arrested and charged in the 90's Only a liar would ever try to compare the President's relationship with the cigar inserter clinton's relationship with Epstein. So don't you dare do you understand don't you dare ever come here and try to spread you lies. You will be called out for being a garbage liar and don't you ever forget it. If you were raised by humans instead of garbage wastes of air you would be ashamed of yourself for being liar but trash spawns trash.

  4. Taking America BACK & Cleaning OUT the Swamp !!! MAGA 2020 !!!


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