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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: Maryland to Require Face Masks in Outdoor Public Areas

During a Wednesday afternoon press conference, Maryland Governor Larry Hogan announced an expansion in the state’s face mask requirement.

The Governor said in addition to masks being required in public areas of business and buildings, they will now be required in outdoor public areas when it is not possible to maintain physical distancing.

The new order goes into effect on Friday, July 31.



  1. This unconstitutionalism is getting out of control.

    Hey Hogan the Horrible, @@@K YOU!

  2. This Dictator allows all these States to come on the Shore to the Beaches and then Dictate to Marylanders Communist rules that are unconstitutional.

    Hogan, aka Hitler, needs to resign and give up all MD benefits. Then move to Korea giving up his US citizenship.

    How much longer is Marylanders going to put up with his COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP governing?

    Hogan steals money from the STATE EMPLOYEES RETIRMENT Fund and gets kick backs from other Countries while he spends MD tax dollars without justification.

    Where is a forensic audit on this money issues?

  3. what? can't hear you...say what?

  4. Why doesn't the government provide face masks?

  5. I refuse to wear a mask outside for any reason, and I won't wear one of those stupid bullshit feel good things in a car either, doesn't matter who is in there with me. I only wear a mask in stores because they have something I really need, such as food and toiletries. Let's not forget this is the United States of America, land of the free/home of the brave. That FAT ASS RINO/POS hogan can kiss my ass.

  6. Democrats are really doubling down on power and control. Hogan you will not get my vote. This is not based on science Maryland will never recover from this and the pension funds will be in jeopardy very soon.

  7. All the while he does nothing about the protesters and rioters.

    1. Of course, Hogan does nothing about the violence in MD. Why? Because he’s a DEMOCRAT!

  8. useless as tits on a boar hog...

  9. So how do you eat food for out door dinning or go to the beach and swim? I don’t understand the reasoning.

  10. Claim health issue, don't use a mask, and when they ask what your health issue is... Say HIPPA.

    1. That doesn't work, I 100% witnessed someone try this statement. They were escorted outside.

  11. Hey. Now I won’t wear one ever. Go F yourself hogan. Where’s the oath keepers?

  12. Finally proud of the comment section. Resist this tyranny!!!

  13. Dees Nuts, Hogan!!

  14. Weren’t we already doing this?

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. Anybody that give up freedom for a bit of security deserves neither freedom nor security..

  17. The government in Maryland can kiss my whole ass. Not wearing a mask in public in 100 degree weather. Can't find a single F to give if granny dies. Not paying a fine either. If I did for giggles I'd sit on welfare for a month or however long it took and pay it with the states own money.

  18. @8:42 the same place they always were. Hiding and talking tough.

  19. Can you say unconstitutional action? Hogan skirts that line and oversteps it in several areas. For a Republican, Hogan acts more and more like a fear mongering Democrat everyday. When is his term finished? Will Maryland then elect a real conservative or will they continue to be stupid blue?

  20. Notice there’s no actual science cited for this sweeping unconstitutional order. He has no merit for which to base his decision on. Yet he feels no problems exist with black lives matter and Antifa protesting while not keeping the prescribed 6’ distance from each other. The Liberal Hypocrisy is still raging on. Good thing Hogan no longer wants to be governor of Maryland. By his actions, he’s made that perfectly clear. Crystal.

  21. Another senior class having their last year of school ruined by Over exaggerated bull crap

  22. Northwest Woodsman: I am detecting signs of a rebellion and that is a very good thing. Keep it up and increase the intensity of your distain for ridiculous dictates like those of Marxist politicians in all of our states. Democrats or RINOs I might add.


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