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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Black Lives Matter Sociopaths Raid Facebook Page of Young Mom Murdered for Saying ‘All Lives Matter,’ Torment Her Family

Black Lives Matter sociopaths are currently raiding the Facebook page of Jessica Doty Whitaker, the young mother who was murdered after saying “All Lives Matter,” celebrating her death and mocking her grieving relatives.

Doty Whitaker was walking by the canal in Indianapolis after a Fourth of July celebration with her fiance and two friends when they were approached by a group of people saying that “Black Lives Matter.” Someone in the group had allegedly used the word “n-gga” speaking to their friends in a non-disparaging way, which the group took offense to.



  1. FBLM they are racist just like the KKK .

  2. Facebook? is that still around?

  3. People claim I'm a racist, but that's not exactly accurate; I'm a SPECIESIST because I no longer consider the black crybabies human. They're a humanoid subspecies that's just barely genetically close enough to humans to have hateful, racially paranoid offspring together. Morever, Crybaby-Americans are the only pure Cro-Magnons - all other races have some Neanderthal in them and ALL have higher I.Q.s than Crybabies. The Neanderthals were more intelligent than the Cro-Magnons (the highest I.Q. races, white & Asian, have the highest amount of Neanderthal genes) and it just shows that Crybabies have taken a slightly different evolutionary path than human races.

  4. Since Soros-prosecuters refuse to punish these criminals, at some point, I expect Americans to fight back.

  5. BLM is disgusting and full of ghetto thugs and idiot whites indoctrinated by the schools/colleges and who are too lazy to work or make anything of their lives.

  6. Guess its time to find out were these pieces of excrement lay their heads down and The Fix for this problem is very simple. Make their lives a living hell..do that to one of my family ..i will hunt you down and fix it

  7. So whats facebook doing about it?

    1. Not a damn thing! Glad I I canceled my account long ago. I got sick of the BS. Can't share anything without offending someone. Even funny pets videos get some groups panties in a bunch! If you like something to agree you offend someone else. If you don't check it several times a day because you have a life that does not revolve around social media you offend someone because you didn't like their post. If I want to know what it happening with my real friends and family I call them and actually talk! Social media has sent the world into a downhill spiral!

  8. It's time to move to the country and I'm talking in the middle of the US out there in Idaho or Colorado where it's 1% of the population

  9. social media is a tool of satan! get off it and give yourself your sanity back!

  10. Never been a fan of facebook, but since Facebook sees fit to censor anything they want, why not this trash. I do not believe in the Marxist group Black Lives Matter. I do however support equal rights and therefore do believe All Lives Matter.

  11. If you are white and find yourself in the vicinity of another coward white espousing the rhetoric brutally correct his betrayal. Whether you want to be or not you are born into a uniform and your actions affect the rest. Handle it.

    Also, no lives matter. If you die tomorrow aside from your family not a soul is going to genuinely care.


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