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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Biden Unveils $2 Trillion Plan To Move US To "100% Clean Energy" By 2035

One of the more laughable campaign promises embraced by Democratic primary opponents during the 2020 primary campaign was a promise - featured prominently in AOC and Sen Markey's "Green New Deal" policy proposal - to move America to "100% clean energy" by 2035.

Many who read this initially probably don't understand that yes, they're really calling for the entire US economy to move off of fossil fuels by 2035. Accomplishing such a rapid, radical shift would require a font of disposable capital that would only really make sense under an MMT framework where debt can be accrued without limit and without ever intending for debts to be repaid.

Now, that policy commitment has become a featured component of Biden's economic spending plan, which he plans to unveil on Tuesday during another speech. Except unlike the plan he embraced in the primary, this one will include an additional $300 billion commitment to finance the left's green economy dream.

Here's more from BBG:

Joe Biden on Tuesday will call for setting a 100% clean-electricity standard by 2035 and investing $2 trillion over four years on clean energy, three people familiar with his plan said Monday.

The Democratic nominee’s new commitments mark a clear shift toward progressives’ environmental priorities and cutting the use of fossil fuels. The people briefed on his plan spoke on the condition of anonymity ahead of its formal rollout Tuesday in Wilmington, Delaware.

The $2 trillion in spending across four years is in place of the more modest $1.7 trillion over 10 years plan that Biden proposed last year while fighting for the nomination. Most of that investments in the new proposal would be one-time costs with the goal of spending the money to the maximum extent possible during those four years.



  1. What a load of baloney!!
    And what does he care anyway, 'cause he'll be about 14 years in the grave.

  2. $2 Trillion.

    Did I miss the memo that money grows on trees now???

    Geez, pie in the sky with $2Trillion ($500 BILLION each) over 4 years.

    1. Laugh all you want! You'll be singin' a different tune when he unveils his perpetual motion machine hauled in on the back of a unicorn!

  3. I thought they said we would sll be dead in 12 years, 2 years ago. So we'll all be gone by 2032.

  4. Here we go again. Same old stupid story. Wind turbines have a life of about 13 years. Now they are having issues trying to dispose of them. Not to mention what we get in return of cheap electricity is .0001 percent on millions of dollars. If these so called clean energy people want to do something. CLEAN THE OCEANS. Because your AL GORE bullshit hasn't proved a thing except how to ruin an economy.

  5. Joe Biden wipeout of Bernie sanders because people don’t want it but now Biden supports it.

  6. Bowahahahahahahahahahaqhahahahahahahaha!

    Biden's plan doesn't even pass the laugh test.

  7. So I listened to part of his "press conference" today at 1:00. It sounded to me like he was slurring his words like he was either drunk or on drugs. But we know the real reason is his diminished mental capacity.

  8. He can take the money from what he and his son stole

  9. Without bringing more nuclear power plants on line, there's no hope for a clean energy
    dream come true.

  10. If you think nuclear power is clean then you are naive. It is dangerous FOREVER.

    How can that be clean?

    1. Anyone with a basic education and even rudimentary knowledge of physics knows there is no such thing as "renewable", "clean", or "free" energy.

  11. That is $2 trillion down the drain. How many companies (owned by spouses of elected officials) will get paid then never produce? The answer is ALL.

  12. Oil prices have dropped to the point continental pipe lines and refineries are running at a quarter capacity. Meanwhile Tesla stock soars and he is setting the bench march for the future of the car industry. Now if only electricity did not require coal burning. I thought he was just enough of an imaginative ass hole to buy stock at it's offering and so far it's a good run.

  13. This is a pretty low risk promise from Biden. Is it just like the rest?

  14. Gonna have your great great great great great grands kids pay for it

  15. This old dude is sad. He looks like a deer in headlights, pitiful. Should have gotten out of politics over forty years ago.


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