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Thursday, July 30, 2020

Biden Proposes Spending Upwards of $150B to Advance Racial Equity

Former Vice President Joe Biden unveiled his proposal on Tuesday to address racial inequities in American public life and the economy, pledging to spend upwards of $150 billion on the endeavor.

Biden, the presumptive Democrat nominee, spoke at length before an audience in Wilmington, Delaware, about his desire to build a post-coronavirus economy that was stronger and more “inclusive” than ever before.

The former vice president said, noting that Americans of color have been disproportionately impacted by the novel coronavirus:

This election is about rising to this moment of crisis. Black and Latinos are three times as likely to be infected and twice as likely to die from the virus as white people… black unemployment is at 15 percent, Latino unemployment at 14.5 percent, while 40 percent of black-owned businesses have had to shut down.



  1. Please let me re-phrase this for you...

    "Vote for me - Ill buy you free stuff, like Obama phones and free college, free everything. You want a Cadi - Ill get one for you if you vote for me. You want a BJ in Oval Office, Kamala will give them out free"

    Buying the voter is ALL Demoncraps know. Being paid off by other countries to make millions, is the other.

  2. More debasement of the US Dollar.
    The government spends money it doesn’t have.
    So the Fed prints it literally from thin air.

    This makes our savings (US Dollars) worth less.
    It is theft and fraud.

    The US Government is a criminal Cabal run by the ruinous Federal Reserve Bank.

  3. Anti white racism at it’s finest

  4. Is that more than we are already spending?

  5. Can these dumbocrat morons think of anything else besides "lets spend money" to fix things?

    We ALL know that this money is just going to make Hiden Biden cronies rich while nothing gets done.

  6. Obamaphones pale in comparison to the unchecked handouts just given to small businesses and multi millionaires so they wouldn't be forced to bail their failing companies out with their own money. Everyone is pro capitalism, survival of the fittest until it's the rich that need to pay.

  7. Soon to be $4 TRILLION allocated/spent in less than 180 days.

    Regardless of political affiliation - WHOA!!

    Especially since its ALL of us (and future family members) that will be paying.

    Larry by the Corner, you better be selling your OC house. Just don't let Rickie be your realtor!

  8. 1:53pm
    You are are no longer in a capitalist society when the government steps in and tells you what businesses can be open and how to run said businesses.

    Its time for Americans of all races to take a good look at themselves and become accountable for their own decisions and actions. Make good decisions and you will live a enjoyable prosperous life.

  9. Cannot ppl see by now that we are in the middle of the biggest psyop of all time?!?! Think back to the obnoxious 'democratic debates' & how some of that Marxist insanity is coming to fruition here already, & the The fact that they're propping this guy up there as a viable candidate & it's being tolerated by the American ppl! Remember the Russian collusion? It drew Trump supporters in closer. The impeachment scam solidified their support so much so that now he can support & prop up EVIL LIARS WITH AGENDAS & launch Operation Warp Speed where he states that he intends to use the military to administer a vaccine (please research this thing before even considering allowing this into your body) to everyone & they STILL SUPPORT HIM! "You knew I was a snake before you took me in" - Donald Trump. Wake up America. Stop listening to your CIA controlled MSM, do your own research into Everything and Everyone involved, & stop bending the knee to tyranny. God bless

  10. Nothing but buying votes with taxpayer money!

  11. He’s Been in Washington for 50 years and has fought against Blacks the entire time

    1. look in his other closetJuly 30, 2020 at 10:01 PM

      Biden hid his Klu Klux Klan Gown
      he wore at Delaware meetings

      when he decided to run for President

  12. Race WAR will come if ANY Democrat got elected !!! FACT

  13. This jerk has got to go.

  14. Northwest Woodsman: Please stop chasing windmills! There can not be racial equality when one race, through thousands of years of genetic mutation, developed an average IQ of 75. Not quite enough to develop a highly functioning civilization. Doubt my assertion? Give me three examples of any developments by Africans that has been a benefit to the world. Tell me about their developments in medicine, aerospace, transportation, construction, and communications. I’m only asking for three examples that any on the African continent can boast of and peanut butter doesn’t count.


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