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Monday, July 06, 2020

Biden praised for calling America a failure

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Charlotte, NC — Across the mainstream media, Joe Biden is being praised for the “unifying message” that he shared in honor of the July 4th holiday. In the video statement released on Twitter, Biden says that America is a failure and has never lived up to its claims and promises. He even goes on to attack some of the founding fathers for their lifestyles.

Throughout the remainder of the statement, Biden talks about the battle for the soul of our nation. In the video, he shares images of Black Lives Matter protests across the country. Those same protests that were responsible for deaths and destruction of American monuments, businesses, and more. You can see the video below.

The praise of Biden calling America a failure comes as others call President Trump divisive in his statements on July 4th. It is true, there was a significant difference in the statements between the two candidates for President.



  1. Biden is the failure.He was the only man they could find with a lower IQ than obama

  2. You've been in office 45years so you are the problem you are the one to blame.

  3. Biden, you repugnant dunce! If you think America is a failure, you don't deserve to live here. Let me give you a clue: America is the greatest nation in the history of the world, no thanks to worthless government moochers like you.

    Speaking of failure, you lost out the first two times you ran for president. Guess what's going to happen the third time?

  4. Well than there now you big dummy. If it is a failure, I sure as heck don’t want you back in the scene. Goes to show how stupid you are to consider such a remark. You slow old man, you’re already admitting you are a failure because you have been paid and eating out of America’s trough all the time you claim it’s failure. I don’t check in as often on the USA events, virus, unrest, politics, etc. A person can’t take but so much before going postal. But when I do it’s always never disappointing. You can’t make it up.

  5. He has been in DC for Half a century and 8 of those at the highest level!

  6. Biden is the biggest loser idiot to ever run for President. If you want to see our country fail then Sleepy Joe is your guy. Patriots will vote for Trump

  7. Biden is the failure..he’s been there 40 yrs and doing nothing for black people...he’s so corrupt.. remember China and Ukraine.. Democrats like to say they help the poor and minorities but the truth is they hurt them by keeping them on welfare and public assistance with broken promises... Trump has done more for them then Obama or Biden ever did.. before the virus historic employment numbers for all Americans!! Funded Historic Black College’s... signed into law the prison reform bill which benefits mostly minority people..

  8. Joe Biden and the Democrats are the failure... can’t wait till they lose the election and cry again ...

  9. Delaware should be proud for continually electing this incompetent a^%hole for many many years.

  10. If he is the best they have? How can you not be a conspiracy theorist. We all all being played. All of us. Peasants.

  11. No GM. No Chrysler. No DUPONT. No MBNA. No SATURN. This is how GROPING JOE and the entire State of Delaware legislators lead. Both Democrats and republican. Why is the USPS such a FAILURE?? Send. Carpenter from Delaware. Every person from Delaware in government office is an INEPT asinine corrupt politician.

  12. Biden Praised For Correctly Tying Shoelaces

  13. He can't spit and hit the ground, freaking brain dead dingoling

  14. Why does everyone pretend like America is perfect when it clearly isn't? We're the richest country in the world yet someone with a full time job and health insurance will still struggle to afford insulin. Thousands of children and tens of thousands of families go hungry each year. I guess they should just "pull up their bootstraps" or get a third job? Republicans in office don't give a damn about you, they want to continue to line their pockets while the common man is forced to pay off the national debt they wrack up due to their incompetence. Keep drinking the orange kool aide.

    1. Brain dead fool! Democrats are the problem! Just look at all the failing leaders. Stop being a victim,nobody owes you anything

    2. Blm will fix it and Biden and NANCY. Don’t for forget Hillary. She is a powerful person always helping everyone

  15. So Joe if you feel that way you and your limousine liberal friends can give us all your wealth.

  16. 243 why are you in America then? Iran would love you

  17. Democrats are the FAILURE !!! Not anyone else 2020 !!!

  18. Trump has attacked practically every American institution, person , business, party , not much left ,....except Putin

    1. You sound like Biden. Hard to comprehend what he says.

  19. Creepy Joe is a Loser with a capital L


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