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Sunday, July 26, 2020

AP says it will keep 'White' Lowercase , but will Capitalize 'Black'

'White people generally do not share the same history and culture, or the experience of being discriminated against because of skin color'

The Associated Press on Monday announced that it will continue to keep the term "white" lowercase "in racial, ethnic and cultural senses."

The move follows the outlet's decision last month to capitalize "Black."

John Daniszewski, the AP's vice president for Standards, noted in a blog post that the news outlet "consulted with a wide group of people internally and externally around the globe and considered a variety of commentary in making these decisions."

"There was clear desire and reason to capitalize Black," Daniszewski continued. "Most notably, people who are Black have strong historical and cultural commonalities, even if they are from different parts of the world, and even if they now live in different parts of the world. That includes the shared experience of discrimination due solely to the color of one's skin."

He added, however, that at the moment there's "less support for capitalizing white."



  1. That is fine with this Caucasian boy. I’ve been White for 76 years and don’t want to be thin skinned black.

  2. Isn't that just special. This is an f-ing circus. No change, no help, no improvement. Just gestures. What a joke. The murder rate is through the roof. Unemployment is sky high. The family unit is in shambles. The city streets are strewn with garbage. But it's all good, we are capitalizing words. Some people took a knee. Whatever.

  3. Everyone should capitalize the W in White. Screw the AP!

  4. Simply insulting

    No other words

  5. A divisive practice....

    Kinda like allowing NAACP, BET, BIG, UNCF, and CBC while disallowing a white counterpart!

  6. Aww
    That is so nice
    I hope it makes the Black folks feel better about themselves. They have a hard life as it is, and I know I wouldn’t want to be born black

  7. White Capitalization Matters.

  8. White everything matters!!!

  9. How much bullshit is this? What the hell is going on in this country that everything is racist? Bring back the good ole days like in the 50's, my era!!!! Even now they want to change the name of Adams Apple, what the hell is this all about saying it is racist?

  10. So out of control.

  11. Tax money well spent

  12. You sobs have lost your damn minds.

  13. All should be the same regardless. This is just another spineless polarizing ration of crap.

  14. This country has become F`ed up because of this group of people...

  15. What a crock of Bullship. So lemme get this straight.

    In a sentence:

    - about a black cat, it would then be a Black cat?
    - about a black tire blown out, it would then be a Black tire blown out?
    - about black ink in a newspaper, it would then be Black ink in a newspaper?

    black pepper would be referred to as Black pepper?

    What country are we living in?

  16. Racism at it's finest. If it's not directed one way, then it's directed at another. I'm offended WHITE won't be capitalized. After all, no race should be superior

  17. How about WHITE instead?

  18. The Democrat plantation capitalizes blacks all the time, LOL!

  19. Do you have a capital P in pollock?

  20. black black black

  21. They should print the paper in blue because black ink is cultural appropriation.

  22. Let's go back to Negroes. No miss understanding there.

  23. if I have to capitalize BLACK my word will start with a different letter

  24. Who’s life is better because of it

  25. 222 - P!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Kiss my WHITE a$$!!!!

  27. I'm gonna start capitalizing the word no matter the context. My house is White, my car is White, table salt is White, my kids are White, Wonder bread is White...

  28. As long as I am White, I don’t care what they do or say.

  29. Northwest Woodsman: Just use the correct terms for race as negro and caucasion ! Problem solved!

    1. Negro is Spanish for black.
      Negra is the feminine form. Hello people where do you think we got those other terms from! They have been in use longer than the word Caucasian which dates back to an 18th century German anthropologist.

  30. 'White people generally do not share the same history and culture, or the experience of being discriminated against because of skin color'

    No.. but, they were chastised, criticized and chased out of their homes and countries due their religious beliefs and serfdom prevalent in all of the European countries.

  31. Never went to public schoolJuly 23, 2020 at 6:53 PM

    Oh for Pete's sake.....

    the majority of brats today cannot read anything

    so changing this is dumb

  32. If this bothers you, you need to get a life. Who cares what words get capitalized and which ones don't. Did everyone suddenly become English majors?

  33. Millennials don't know anything about case in English. The only writing they know is printing. And when they print, it is all caps. No difference in letters. It makes it easy for them so they don't have to know proper English and grammar. They say all that stuff is just a waste of time (and apparently brain cells). Black and White will always be in caps for them. They are not going to lowercase the "W" just to be politically correct.

  34. Wow, way to be a prime example of equality.

  35. Keep democrats Lower Case !!! They are Lowwwww !!!!


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