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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

When the fattest pig in the sty wants you to pay for its extra helpings...

For conservatives, there's always a comfort of sorts in knowing that when it comes to any variety of socialism, anything that can't go on won't. Socialism is inherently unsustainable, always requiring a sugar daddy to pay its bills after all the money runs out. It always works, as Lady Thatcher put it, until you run out of other people's money.

This brings us to the municipality of Washington, D.C., which is going to see a vote for statehood in the House Friday but still wants Momma Government to take care of it like a prodigal toddler.

According to John Solomon's JustTheNews:

Like most other American cities, the District is required to balance its budget annually. This year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, city officials are claiming a $1.5 billion budget deficit and asking Congress for $3.15 billion over two years to alleviate the city's financials woes.

The Heroes Act, which passed through the lower chamber last month, allocates more money to Washington, D.C. than to several U.S. states. But according to a new report by Open the Books' Adam Andrzjewski, D.C. city employees are routinely paid (often significantly) higher salaries than their state and federal government counterparts.


  1. They need to trim their budgets, such as eliminating these giveaways to those healthy welfare moochers and other programs that are for certain groups and not for everyone. That drains the tax base for what it was intended for.

    If the Politians will not do that then cut their salaries, benefits, retirement, travel expenses and their office budget.

  2. If anything that district becomes pArt of MD. Why? Because it is on that side of the potomac.,.not Virginia.

    Which is why it will never EVER become a state cuz MD doesn't want it either.


  3. Not only no, but hell no! As for absorbing it, hell no again.

  4. How is this different than other states that have deficits and need federal money to bail them out because of covid? Before covid DC had surpluses and was in great fiscal shape.

    States cannot print money like the federal government who has spent 4+ trillion more than it has so far this year. Where are all the conservatives who used to cry about cutting spending? Is there a difference in giving handouts to individual moochers vs corporate moochers? I'm tired of 50% of my tax payments going to some defense contractor who lives in a mansion in McLean and I'm tired of the other half going to women who have more kids than they can count with just as many deadbeat fathers.

    Can we just admit that both sides are crooks and hypocrites? It's not time for Dem vs GOP. It's time to get rid of all of them. They're all killing us, taxing us into poverty, and destroying this country, all for their own personal gain.

    Back to DC for a moment. DC, unlike any other state, shoulders the cost of supporting the federal government being in their city, often without any compensation or much delayed reimbursements and also is not able to collect property taxes on huge swaths of land where Federal buildings stand. Imagine other cities who couldn't collect on half the land while having to still support it and the people that use it.

  5. Northwest Woodsman: I am beginning to think that selective napalm strikes is the only answer. The insurgents seem to enjoy fire so we can easily accommodate them.


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