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Thursday, June 25, 2020

What Americans Fear Most In The JFK Assassination, Part 1

One of the fascinating phenomena in the JFK assassination is the fear of some Americans to consider the possibility that the assassination was actually a regime-change operation carried out by the U.S. national-security establishment rather than simply a murder carried out by a supposed lone-nut assassin.

The mountain of evidence that has surfaced, especially since the 1990s, when the JFK Records Act mandated the release of top-secret assassination-related records within the national-security establishment, has been in the nature of circumstantial evidence, as compared to direct evidence. Thus, I can understand that someone who places little faith in the power of circumstantial evidence might study and review that evidence and decide to embrace the “lone-nut theory” of the case.

But many of the people who have embraced the lone-nut theory have never spent any time studying the evidence in the case and yet have embraced the lone-nut theory. Why? My hunch is that the reason is that they have a deep fear of being labeled a “conspiracy theorist,” which is the term the CIA many years ago advised its assets in the mainstream press to employ to discredit those who were questioning the official narrative in the case.

Like many others, I have studied the evidence in the case. After doing that, I concluded that the circumstantial evidence pointing toward a regime-change operation has reached critical mass. Based on that evidence, for me the Kennedy assassination is not a conspiracy theory but rather the fact of a national-security state regime-change operation, no different in principle than other regime-change operations, including through assassination, carried out by the U.S. national-security establishment, especially through the CIA.

Interestingly, there are those who have shown no reluctance to study the facts and circumstances surrounding foreign regime-change operations carried out by the CIA and the Pentagon. But when it comes to the Kennedy assassination, they run for the hills, exclaiming that they don’t want to be pulled down the “rabbit hole,” meaning that they don’t want to take any chances of being labeled a “conspiracy theorist.”



  1. Of course it was, he Said it in his last live televised speech, The deep state as we call it, pretty much was using subversion, if you know what that means, it means they brain wash generations with an ideology, and this is what we are seeing today!!! It takes years and generations to make this happen, that is why HITLER started with the YOUTH!!!! When they get old enough they are the ones in power, as in today with America!!! And the sad thing is, you can't fix it until you stop it and the very moment you stop it or halt it, you can begin to fix it but it will take generations to fix... For god sake even the spies from other countries during the cold war are telling everyone this!!!! But anyway, YES they took him out becasue he was telling everyone and was going to tell everyone in his last day in office who and what was going on with the deep state... And all of a sudden hes dead... And what is funny is guys who was the head at that time??? George Bush SR!!!

    1. Hitter youth was established after he came to power ... but good try.

  2. Every time I shoot an object (any object) with a rifle the object travels AWAY FROM ME towards the direction the bullet was traveling.

    Every single time.

    Never do I shoot an object and have the object come towards me after being struck by the bullet.

    End of circumstantial evidence presentation

  3. ANYONE who actually examines the evidence, the timelines, the players, the testimonies of the CIA director and the FBI agents before Congress, and the MOUNTAIN of documents they've tried to suppress (!!) can ONLY reach ONE CONCLUSION -- the CIA killed Kennedy.
    No question about it.

    The CIA.

    Keep cheering.

    1. Pray for President Trump and familyJune 25, 2020 at 2:36 PM


      they killed him bc President Kennedy did not want to get involved in Vietnam...

      Vietnam provided large amounts of Drugs and money to the United States....

      So,they took out the President to bring drugs into the U.S. for large profits

  4. the deep state/shadow government took out JFK and most of us know this now...

  5. In my Baltimore bar fly days I sat for hours and listened to Harry Livingston he had written a couple of books on the subject and was obsessed. What was more interesting were the things his publisher would not let him include. Prominant lawyers FBI officials crazy underworld sex networks and drug money laundering operations. Interesting writer. Google him.

  6. The "deep state" during the JFK era was headed by J Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI. Then the FBI was in charge of all intelligence not like today when there are10 different departments.

    Nobody wants to talk about Hoovers haltered for JFK and RFK.

    The best book I have read on this subject is ASSASSINATION OF JFK by COINCIDENCE or CONSPIRACY? It was produced by the COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE ASSINATIONS.

    This book is very hard to find, if you can even get it. I bought it when it first came out in 1977. It will make you think about subjects that has never been discussed.

    It reminds me of the present times, with Comey and the false front he presents along with Obama and his intelligence departments.

    Good example of history repeating itself.

  7. The first shot didn't come from Oswald. The second shot came from the secret service who didn't know how to pick up his weapon. FACT. Shot Kennedy in the back of the head trying to handle his weapon to shoot where the first shot came from. FACT

  8. I seen it on TV in school. The first shot threw him forward into Jackie's shoulder, being shot from the side / rea, and the second threw his head back against the back of the seat from being shot from the front, grassy knoll.

  9. Search YouTube for "The American Dream animated" It's about thirty minutes long but is fun and informative. It'll open your eyes to even more.


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