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Thursday, June 25, 2020

Watch These High Schoolers Get Pepper Sprayed by Their Teacher


  1. I watched the whole video for the point. What am I not getting? Why?

  2. Idiots. Parents actually gave their permission to cause harm to their child. Children need a wake up call about life's realities but this is taking it way too far. I believe the law calls it child abuse. Parents should be charged with a crime.

    1. What crime? The spray doesn’t cause the reactions shown here. In fact, the one loud mouth girl should have been bit-h slapped and dismissed. Don’t give me that crap about “keds”. The same group would be Cussing you on the skreets. This is called man-up for a taste (test) of the profession they are interested in. Apparently there are some there that won’t cut it.

  3. They need to pepper spray all the democraps on a daily basis!

  4. It's not tear gas it is made from cayenne pepper.Lots of people use it in cooking especially in Louisiana. Yes I know what it feels like as I worked in a prison. All high school students should experience it and be told to obey the laws or this could be used on them to control the situation.

  5. Let them get a taste of their future. Have you seen the news lately?

  6. From a friend who works for FEMA
    Keep a can of hornet spray that you can quickly get to at home.
    It will stop an attacker and works better than pepper spray!

  7. Whatever!

    Does anyone really want to know what happened in grade school in the 60's and 70'?

    Actually you don't. Half of you will be offended and the other half will shake your head up and down remembering exactly what took place.

    Move along - nothing to see here.

  8. Why were they all white?

    1. Blacks were exempt if already experienced it.

  9. For a similar sensation, also non-lethal, chop up some fresh jalapeƱos, rub them all over your hands, then rub your eyes, nose and mouth. Then, think hotter, lots hotter.
    The liquid that's the vehicle for the heat in pepper spray is oily, meant to be difficult to quickly remove so as to give the target nothing else to think about but the discomfort.

    From the 'net:
    Typical pepper spray will land somewhere in the 2,000,000 to 5,300,000 Scoville heat unit range. That's about, on average, 500 times the strength of a jalapeƱo. Or about 6 to 15 times the strength of a habanero pepper.

  10. The pepper spray civilians can purchase is not nearly as strong as what law enforcement and prisons use.

  11. that video is years old.

  12. This what should happen in the classroom when the animals get rambunctious. Control the idiots any way you can.


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