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Tuesday, June 02, 2020

WATCH: Resurfaced Joe Biden Speech Shows Him Urging Chinese Communist Party To Increase Its Influence In The United States

A resurfaced video from 2011 shows then-Vice President Joe Biden praising the Chinese Communist Party during a speech he made at a university in Chengdu, China.

In the speech, Biden encourages the Chinese Communist Party to increase its influence in the United States.



  1. What do the have about two speech writers for all parties. I get sick of the shit, “now let me be perfectly clear”.

  2. Good news is that I have personally seen voter apathy on the Democrat side during this primary season!

    Let's hope that it continues throughout November and spreads throughout the country!

    Meanwhile, the conservatives need to silently mobilize to re-elect President Trump in a voting landslide!

  3. He wants his and Hunters millions to continue.


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