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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Viewer Wirtes: City Of Salisbury Comments


Do you know who exactly posts the comments on behalf of the City of Salisbury's Facebook page? I have tried to read posts on the page, but cannot stomach it any longer. Whenever anyone calmly and intelligently brings up a valid point, or has any question that doesn't fit the narrative, they get a reply, if you want to even call it that, from the City of Salisbury that sounds like it is written by a middle schooler at best with one-word sarcastic comebacks, non-answers, and use of stupid emojis, etc. We have really dumbed down this City with these incompetent glory-seeking fools. It is beyond sad!


  1. Chris Demone is in charge of the city social media pages.

  2. Day's hanger on'ers. They think they are being cute and clever with their comments but they're only proving they are unprofessional losers who can't think or act to give intelligent responses or know when to leave well enough alone. They are all bitter hate oozing malcontents with nothing of value to offer anyone.

  3. "Anonymous said...
    Chris Demone is in charge of the city social media pages.

    June 18, 2020 at 7:52 AM"

    Another white. The Day administration is as white as a KKK rally. Time has come for them to start giving up their seat at the table in favor of a minority they claim to be looking out for. Start walking the walk not just talking the talk.
    The city is populated by more then half minorities now. The city needs to start reflecting that in hiring practices.
    The reason it's not happening is because the white social justice warriors don't want blacks and other minorities to know what is going on with there motive to cause division.

    1. What? You really believe that’s the reason? How can you state that and in my assumption claim to not be a racist? That’s a shame, and a major part of the problems at hand.

  4. When they had a minority they ran her out. Lore Chambers. It all started going downhill when Ireton was mayor. They wanted all the minorities out of the way so they could be the decision makers for everyone including minorities. The Day admin is as white as a KKK rally for sure.


  5. My first guess is Chris Demone followed by Jake Day and Julia Glanz. All 3 are mental midgets with a progressive mentality.

  6. Anonymous said...
    "Anonymous said...
    Chris Demone is in charge of the city social media pages.

    June 18, 2020 at 7:52 AM"

    Another white. The Day administration is as white as a KKK rally. Time has come for them to start giving up their seat at the table in favor of a minority they claim to be looking out for. Start walking the walk not just talking the talk.
    The city is populated by more then half minorities now. The city needs to start reflecting that in hiring practices.
    The reason it's not happening is because the white social justice warriors don't want blacks and other minorities to know what is going on with there motive to cause division.

    June 18, 2020 at 8:51 AM

    Wait! Didn't you already get smacked down with your racist garbage on the Blubbler Bloggers page? I can't stand Jake Day and his followers but your racist comments are despicable. Sorry that you didn't get the job or promotion that you wanted but too bad, move on, Turd Burglar. Not sorry!


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