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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Video of the shooting at the protest


  1. Little Mikey LewisJune 11, 2020 at 4:49 PM

    Why is SPD = Salisbury Police department working in DC ?

  2. Guns matter. Watch them scatter like roaches.

    1. This is true. But now he will be charged with a gun crime and they will still walk free. It sounds like he lost his cool and went AWOL.

  3. So, that should send a message to these Anifa screwballs. Watch out who you threaten, you might get your dumb ass shot!

    I love the way instagram described it. THE MAN BRANDISHED A GUN.

    Bullcrap, the guy was attacked as he drove into a crowd.

  4. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  5. It's Seattle PD, where there's also a Capitol Hill.

  6. He probably, and I will use that word loosely would not have done it had they not harassed him.

  7. that's the way to keep people from jumping on your car

  8. Act like an animal, get treated like an animal

  9. What protest? Did you mean riot?

  10. I’m not sure why anyone would have been driving there during a riot, but regardless of the reason why the driver was there, he was right to defend himself.

  11. Northwest Woodsman: If one were to go back and review some of my past comments, one would find that I fairly accurately predicted the current situation. Violence and bloodshed that will incrementally increase to a tipping point where loyal, patriotic Americans will have had enough of the disruption of their lives, businesses, schools and social life and retaliation will rule the day. This time, I will warn the marxists that they better be prepared for the mother of all backlashes. Even some liberals are voicing their discontent. Grab some popcorn and a beverage of your choice and hang on.


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