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Friday, June 26, 2020

Update from Governor Hogan on COVID-19: “We Must All Continue To Remain Vigilant”

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan today issued the following update to Marylanders regarding the state’s ongoing response to COVID-19:

“While yesterday the United States saw a record number of COVID-19 cases, in Maryland, our key health metrics continue to trend in a positive direction. Our daily positivity rate reached a new low of 4.38%, and our seven-day positivity rate fell to 5.05%. Our total current hospitalizations have dropped to 511, their lowest level in 83 days. We have now conducted more than 600,000 tests, and have nearly 200 testing sites available across the state.

“As we continue to safely reopen, it is important to remember that this crisis is still not behind us. More than 65,000 Marylanders have been infected, and more than 3,000 Marylanders have now lost their lives to this deadly virus. We mourn each and every loss.

“Because of our early and aggressive actions, Maryland is better positioned for an economic comeback than nearly every other state in America. Our unemployment rate is more than one-third better than the national average. We have led, and will continue to lead, on the road to economic recovery.

“Now more than ever, as we begin to come into contact with more people, we must all continue to remain vigilant. Our health and economic recovery depends on all of us continuing to exercise personal responsibility in order to keep ourselves, our family members, our neighbors, and our coworkers safe. We encourage all Marylanders to get tested, wear a mask, and practice physical distancing.

“Throughout this crisis, Marylanders have been strong, resilient, and they have never lost hope. And now, while we still have miles to go on our road to recovery, I have no doubt that the people of our great state will continue setting an example for the rest of the nation.”


  1. They will close the economy again and it will break the system. No reason to be testing millions of people. I hope you are ready for AOC and George Soros to be in the White House. Republicans are so STUPID

  2. I have no idea who Fat Larry is trying to impress, but there is no way that he will ever be elected to another statewide office in Maryland

  3. We are very fortunate to have him in charge.

    1. Really 3:38? Explain your thoughts please.

    2. Ummmmm.... how's that Kool aid tasting?

  4. Keep that Stimulus $$$ coming !!!! Priority # 1 to end of 2020 !!

  5. Give me a f ing break moron. Your still getting a paycheck.

  6. they will demand face masks stay at home shut everything down.....wont happen next time you think they have problems now try shutting the country down again

  7. F-Off Larry you democrat plant. Do you hate President Trump so much that you make Marylanders suffer? Oh and by the way where are the Korean test kits?

    1. The rest kits are being used to test nursing homes workers And state employed healthcare workers across the state monthly. Good luck Getting the tests to the general public

  8. Just so everyone knows, the state employees are getting totally screwed in order to make up for the state’s deficit. No cost of living raise, Also add a a 2.5% reduction in salary , increased insurance premiums and copays, increase in prescription med costs. So I hope I never see another stimulus of so-called free money, out family for one can not take another hit so others can cash in. Not to mention they went for years with no pay raised because the state was in such debt.

    1. Thought they were trying to get 5%reduction....

    2. The cost of living raise was 2.5% And due to begin July 1. , the current income reduction is also 2.5% so I guess that’s 5 between the reduction and the retraction , sorry if that loss wasn’t enough to suit you, with all the added increase in premiums and decreases in coverage it’s a big hit to a lot of families. No one asked if we wanted to pay for the “stimulus” package so I guess “you’re welcome?” And to the person commenting about “not showing up for work” , I haven’t missed a day , cAnt speak for anyone else showing up for work, but the ones at work have to work to cover For the ones that don’t show up, so not everyone is the same or has the same character or work ethic.

  9. The test gives you the virus

    Don't fall for this Psyop

    Stay away from hospitals and health departments
    Dangerous times

  10. 845 I am so sorry the state employees are being screwed, are they even showing up for work??? Sorry to inform you that many out ther in the real world don’t have jobs anymore because the government has destroyed the economy. And for those that are worried about the second wave look at the number people are testing positive but fewer are being hospitalized or dying. Herd immunity anyone??? This is what should have happened in April

  11. Bob Aswell...RealistJune 27, 2020 at 8:48 AM

    Larry Hoggan is a fat, bald-headed rotten bastard who was put to seed in Maryland like a grain of sand is placed in a pearl oyster. His mere presence is an irritant on the mantle of voters in this state. His aspirations of being Cuomos' running mate has superseded commonsense and we all suffer for it as a result. If in fact the Dims do jettison Biden I can't wait to witness a duo of him and the other rotten bastard, Cuomo, not being able to carry their respective home states. The Dims promote discord toward any dissenter who dares to question their wisdom and, well who would be brazen enough to question the wisdom of Pelosi and Schummer because this farce is power driven by delusions of grandeur.
    I'm a senior but I just hope I can live long enough to see them receive their due. Surely they'll have a special place in Hell along with their buddies and lawyers. I hope they enjoy their stay! What I've just stated is the reason there are these BLM thugs rioting in the streets. If you vote Demo it'll never change and the best example is OC. Democratic control by the Police and Council has changed it to the point from what it was never to return. Wow what a deal!

  12. This Nation use to be able to come together and conquer any threat. Now we can't follow simple instructions for three months and will see a surge in this virus. I don't care what you believe it is or if masks are effective or what medication works or what civil liberties you think have been infringed upon. We have made sacrifices in the past of our comforts our prosperity and mobility. Now no one can sit still. We are so divided and over mediated with fractured ill informed opinions. I don't worry so much about FAKE NEWS as much as the FAKE THOUGHTS that so many have and the rabid fear mongering so many have fallen for. We are all in this together and no one gets out alive in the end so we need to grow up and figure this shit out or we will just leave behind short lives of misery to our descendants.

  13. 449 - we are past the halfway mark of 2020.


  14. Remain Vigilant on sending our Unemployment $$$ on time & keep
    our Stimulus $$$ coming until 2021 !!!

  15. Boss Hog will have to Lock Down Ocean city Md soon !!! covid-19 !!


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